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623Le climat est charmant. Nombre de candidats démocrates pour les élections US du 2 novembre préfèrent se passer du soutien du président Obama, “considéré comme un perdant”, nous explique-t-on. En pointe, le candidat démocrate au poste de gouverneur du Rhode Island, Frank Caprio, vexé par ailleurs de n’avoir pas eu initialement un soutien “naturel” d’Obama à sa candidature, et disant à la télévision : «Obama can take his endorsement and shove it» (traduction libre, et traductions diverses possibles, – comme par exemple “qu’il aille se faire voir, lui et son soutien”). Même le président du parti républicain, Michael Steele, a jugé le propos “insultant” : «He's the Democratic nominee, for goodness’ sakes. It's really insulting, when you think about it.»
D’une façon générale, on peut avancer l’hypothèse que si, effectivement, les démocrates subissent les pertes massives qu’on annonce, leurs relations avec le président seront plus que tendues… Voici ce que le Guardian dit de l’incident, le 27 octobre 2010 :
«Emotions are becoming rawer and tempers are fraying at election events across the US, with only a week left to polling and the Democrats facing massive losses.
»Some Democratic candidates have been distancing themselves from Barack Obama, whom they see as a vote loser, but the Democratic candidate for the governorship of Rhode Island, Frank Caprio, went even further: expressing exasperation in an interview that the president had failed to endorse him on a campaign stop in the state on Monday, Caprio said Obama “can take his endorsement and really shove it”.
»Obama failed formally to back Caprio partly because the president is an admirer of the independent candidate Lincoln Chafee, who backed Obama rather than John McCain in the White House race.
»Chafee, exploiting Democratic discord, put out a TV ad today in which Obama featured prominently.
»Obama visited Rhode Island mainly to raise funds for the Democratic party. The irritated Caprio, in the interview, said Obama had ignored the state when it suffered from flooding earlier this year, and: “Now he's coming into Rhode Island and treating us like an ATM machine.”
»Rhode Island is normally one of the safest Democratic states in the country but, like his colleagues elsewhere in the country, Caprio is on the defensive. His poll lead has been slashed to just 1%.»