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1176Puisqu’il m’arrive de faire “de longs voyages” aussi bien sur dedefensa que dans la presse US, je rencontre à mon tour des interprétations amusantes d’Obama – en plus des “sinuosités” d’Obama” et d’“Obama ‘morvé’ en Bush-Cheney”. Celles de Jeffrey T. Kuhner, par exemple, dans le Washington Times du 28 janvier (
Pour Kuhner, aucun doute n’est possible : Obama est un socialiste, et un socialiste de la pire des factions – un trotskiste, c’est dire. La preuve, c’est l’attaque d’Obama contre les banques, qui est la cause évidente de la montée du chômage. C’est la “révolution permanente” d’Obama, dont on commence à distinguer qu’il lui pousse une barbichette, comme celle du diabolique Léon.
«His attacks on the banks may play well with the unions and some Democratic constituencies, but they are bad economics. By scaling back the size of our large banks, Mr. Obama is undermining their global economic competitiveness. His burdensome regulations and tax increases will only undermine financial investment and the much-needed flow of credit - the very lifeblood of a thriving economy.
»Foreign investors are fleeing America, placing their vital capital elsewhere. Many of our leading banks will do the same. If they are not welcome in New York, they are welcome in London, Hong Kong and Tokyo. A weakened financial sector entails fewer jobs, higher unemployment and anemic economic growth. […]
»His call for a spending freeze and gimmicky business tax credits is a cynical ploy to divert attention from his failing agenda. It also reflects the belief that Mr. Obama's personality can trump – and even reshape – reality.
»“I'd rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president,” he said Monday.
»Successful leaders, however, are rarely one-termers. Mr. Obama is quickly becoming the worst president since Woodrow Wilson. Mr. Obama is not a born-again populist. Rather, he is a transnational liberal elitist who despises Middle America - especially its patriotic conservative values. His goal is to be a transformational president: to erect a progressive nanny state.
»Leon Trotsky, one of the founders of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, said left-wing radicalism was based on “permanent revolution.” Tactics may change. Rhetoric may be adjusted to suit the circumstances of the moment, but the ultimate objectives are timeless: smashing capitalism and traditional bourgeois institutions – including the sovereign nation-state.
»Like socialists before him, Mr. Obama claims to speak on behalf of the masses. His actions, however, betray his real intentions. He is not the defender of the people's interests. Instead, he is their implacable enemy. He is a phony populist.»