Objectif 2006 : Poutine



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Dans son excellente analyse des “menaces” qui nous attendent à Washington en 2006, — selon son point de vue, mais très souvent plein de bon sens, — Justin Raimundo identifie un regroupement du “war party” autour de ses vraies racines : les “néo-wilsoniens” libéraux de centre-gauche, avec, pour les plus bellicistes d’entre eux, John McCain et Hillary Clinton. Raimundo pense que l’establishment de Washington va se regrouper autour de ce courant de pensée et soutenir son activisme.

L’une des conséquences, selon lui, sera un renforcement notable de l’hostilité de Washington à l’encontre de la Russie et de Vladimir Poutine. Cela se justifie d’autant plus que Poutine accentue son tournant nationaliste, avec la récupération des grands conglomérats pétroliers et la liquidation des oligarches installés sous Eltsine avec le concours conjugué des groupes mafieux et des relais internationalistes du “war party” de Washington (des néo-conservateurs aux “internationalistes” proches du National Endowment for Democracy, si efficace en Ukraine en décembre 2004). Nos petits amis Gluscksmann & compagnie seront en terrain de connaissance.

« I don’t want to get into specific predictions, but there are some general trends to watch for. Aside from the domestic political ramifications of America’s foreign policy of unrelenting aggression, one must remember that the aggression continues and is likely to take on new forms in the coming year. One new development to keep an eye on is the emergence of Vladimir Putin as a major figure in the demonology promulgated by the Western media. Hostility to Russia – a direct consequence of Putin’s efforts to resist encirclement and even defy the American hegemon – is rising in elite circles, including in the top ranks of both parties. Democratic and Republican lawmakers and policy analysts agree that, for dealing with Iran and arming Syria, Putin must be made to pay a price. Hillary supports the efforts of the Bush administration to ‘democratize’ the Russian periphery and encircle Russia, and, along with John McCain, was a major enthusiast of the U.S.-financed "Orange Revolution" in Ukraine – the chosen flashpoint for a fresh outbreak of the old cold war rivalry.

» An ‘Open Letter’ descrying Putin’s alleged slide into ‘dictatorship’ signed by over 100 policy analysts, Washington insiders, and assorted neocons signaled the beginning of a new push by the War Party to open up a European front. Yesterday the Slavic bogeyman of the hour was Slobodan Milosevic: tomorrow, there is a good chance Putin will play that role. »

Mis en ligne le 2 janvier 2006 à 09H39