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493Enfin, quelqu’un s’est aperçu de quelque chose, – de ce sujet d’une censure extraordinairement efficace, sans consigne nécessaire, qui ne cesse, nous, de nous passionner depuis des mois, comme l'observation d'un artefact de communication qui serait un pur produit du Système installé dans les pauvres psychologies de nos journalistes-Système. (Artefact d'autant plus fascinant que, lorsque tout de même l'un ou l'autre s'aventure à dire quelques mots de Ron Paul, c'est pour l'ensevelir sous les fleurs d'une rhétorique à la gloire de ses vertus de caractère et de comportement politique.)
Il s’agit donc de Roger Simon, de, celui qui s’est aperçu de quelque chose, qui fait un article, le 15 août 2011, sur le systématique boycott de Ron Paul par les médias-Système (dont, après tout, n’est pas loin d’être…). Simon : «I admit I do not fully understand Ron Paul and his beliefs. But I do understand when a guy gets shafted, and Ron Paul just got shafted.»
Simon ne manquera pas, à plusieurs reprises, de répéter qu’il n’est pas d’accord avec Ron Paul, mais, ajoute-t-il d’une façon édifiante, – ce n’est pas une raison. (Vous savez, le fameux truc de Voltaire, si célèbre qu’il en est apocryphe puisqu’il semble bien que cela n’ait jamais été dit ni écrit par le coupable : “Je ne suis pas d’accord avec ce que vous dites, mais je me battrai pour que vous ayez le droit de le dire.”) Quoi qu’il en soit, cette prudence de Simon explique une bonne part du byocott, qui fait partie d’une de ces terreurs indicibles et dont nul ne sait la source, mais qui parcourt régulièrement les travées du Système ; et elle n’empêche effectivement pas Simon d'observer et de nous rapporter, finalement, certaines vérités à propos du traitement démocratique que l’on applique à Ron Paul…
«On Saturday, the Ames Straw Poll was conducted in Iowa amid huge media interest and scrutiny. The results were enough to force one Republican candidate, Tim Pawlenty, out of the race, and catapult another, Michele Bachmann, into the “top tier.”
»There are so many “top tier” stories in the media today that I can barely count them, let alone read them all, and Bachmann is in all of them by virtue of her victory at Ames. The rest of the tier is made up of two candidates who skipped Ames, Rick Perry and Mitt Romney.
»As The Daily Beast put it: “The new top tier of Bachmann, Perry, and Romney — created by Bachmann’s Iowa straw poll win, Perry’s entry into the race and Romney’s lead so far in many national and state polls — has unleashed torrents of talk about the reshaped race.” Paul’s name was not mentioned in this piece nor in many others. A Wall Street Journal editorial Monday magnanimously granted Paul’s showing in the straw poll a parenthetical dismissal: “(Libertarian Ron Paul, who has no chance to win the nomination, finished a close second.)”
»But “close” does not fully describe Paul’s second-place finish. Paul lost to Bachmann by nine-tenths of one percentage point, or 152 votes out of 16,892 cast. If it had been an election, such a result would almost certainly have triggered a recount. It was not an election, however, and that is my point. Straw polls are supposed to tell us, like a straw tossed into the air, which way the wind is blowing.
»And any fair assessment of Ames, therefore, would have said the winds of the Republican Party are blowing toward both Bachmann and Paul.[…]
»I am far from a Libertarian. I believe big government is swell as long as it does big things to help the common good. But after Ames, it was as if Paul had been sentenced to the Phantom Zone.
»Bachmann appeared on five Sunday shows following Ames. Paul appeared on none. POLITICO’s Kasie Hunt was one of the few reporters to do a separate story on Paul’s showing at the straw poll, but to most of the media he remained an exotic, unworthy of attention.
Roger Simon termine en s’adressant à l’intéressé… «So I asked Paul Monday if the media blackout disturbed him.
»“It did disturb me, but it was not a total surprise,” he replied. “The result at Ames was significant; it might well have propelled us to the top tier. The media cannot change that.” Though the media can, of course, change that since we get to determine who the top tier is. “It is hard for them to accept,” Paul said of his showing at Ames. “I had one interview scheduled for this morning, a national program, but they canceled. It is shocking to be told nobody wants you.”»