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441Les efforts du bloc BAO, accumulant narrative sur narrative pour justifier de mener des intervention illégales, des combats contradictoires et nihilistes, fondés sur l’hystérie de leurs propres croyances à l’idéologie-Système et aux vertus combinées du chaos et de la démocratie, alimentés par leurs propres activités de communication sur les thèses de la modernité du parti des salonards, ces efforts commenceraient peut-être à porter leurs fruits. Le bloc BAO, avec en soutien l’hystérie sécuritaire israélienne accumulant les erreurs stratégiques, serait sur le point d’arriver au résultat de la formation d’un véritable centre de menace nommé al Qaïda. Cette organisation fluctuante dans les évaluations depuis 9/11 qui sont autant de narrative, tantôt dénoncée comme l’archétype mythique de la Terreur globale, tantôt réduite au constat de sa non-existence, semble aujourd’hui capable de se constituer d’une façon opérationnelle en une véritable force de déstabilisation au cœur du Moyen-Orient. Au premier rang des entités menacées : Israël et tous les amis du bloc BAO. Superbe manoeuvre.
Ainsi entend-on le chef du renseignement militaire israélien dénoncer publiquement et avec force al Qaïda comme un danger imminent et catastrophique à partir des régions de Syrie que cette organisation contrôle, et mettant ainsi indirectement en cause la stratégie de son gouvernement. Ainsi entend-on le porte-parole autorisé de la résistance anti-Assad (dans sa faction présentable) mettre l’accent sur ce danger de l’activisme d’al Qaïda. Il n’est plus question d’Assad, l’homme “qui ne mérite pas de vivre”, et l’on constate désormais que les principaux combats de la “résistance syrienne” sont dans le chef des groupes affiliés à al Qaïda qui mènent une campagne de liquidation féroce des chefs de la “résistance modérée”.
• Russia Today met en ligne, le 24 juillet 2013, un texte reprenant les déclarations du chef du renseignement militaire israélien comme celles du porte-parole de l’Armée Syrienne Libre.
«Israeli Military Intelligence chief said that Syria is becoming a ‘center of global jihad’ right on Israel’s border, with extremists trying not only to topple President Bashar Assad, but also to create a state governed by the Islamic religious law. Director of Military Intelligence Maj. Gen. Aviv Kochavi warned that Syria is posing a regional threat as it attracts thousands of global jihadists and Muslim extremists from around the world.
»“A center of global jihad of vast proportions is developing on our very doorstep,” Israeli media quoted Kochavi as saying. “It is liable to affect not only Syria or Israeli borders, but also the borders of Lebanon, Jordan and the Sinai Peninsula, and have implications for the region as a whole,” he said at a graduation ceremony for Military Intelligence commanding officers. Kochavi argued that the extremists will not stop at toppling Assad, but will go further and try to establish a state based on Islamic religious law, or Sharia law.
»Free Syrian Army (FSA) spokesperson Zaky Mallah’s interview with RT confirmed Kochavi’s concerns, saying that Syrian opposition is willing to accept support from anyone, be it “Bin Laden” or “Hitler”. “The situation in Syria with the opposition is complicated. Al-Qaeda took the advantage and they thought: ‘we are going to step in’, if their own brothers are being killed by this tyrant and the world is not doing nothing about it”, Mallah said.
• DEBKAFiles développe très largement et d’une façon beaucoup plus explicite les déclarations du général Kochavi, le chef du renseignement militaire, ce 24 juillet 2013. Le thème de DEBKAFiles, qui suit cette ligne critique depuis plusieurs mois, est plus que jamais la dénonciation des erreurs stratégiques du gouvernement israélien, et notamment le fait de s’être concentré sur des attaques contre le pouvoir syrien au lieu de s’opposer au développement de la puissance d’al Qaïda. Le problème est que ce développement, aujourd’hui, est en train d’essaimer, pour la première fois à partir de la Syrie, notamment vers le Sinaï, mais aussi vers la Jordanie et le Liban. Pour Israël, on ne peut rêver meilleur encerclement, qui accentue la tendance à rendre de plus en plus ridicules les obsessions successives de l’équipe Netanyahou, essentiellement contre l’Iran, éventuellement contre Assad.
«That the Netanyahu government took a wrong turn in its policy of non-intervention in the Syrian conflict was manifested by the warning coming from the IDF’s military intelligence (AMAN) chief Maj. Gen. Aviv Kochavi Tuesday night, July 23, when he said that Syria had become a global battleground for al Qaeda. Addressing a passing-out ceremony at the IDF’s Officers’ School, Kochavi warned that the thousands of al Qaeda pouring into Syria from around the world are fighting to create an Islamic state there, just as they are in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen. This peril, he said, is closing in on Israel, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula.
»At the UN Security Council in New York, his words were echoed by Robert Serry, UN Coordinator of the Middle East peace process, who said Syria “is increasingly turning into a big global battleground.”
»It is important to note that Gen. Kochavi issued his warning shortly after returning home from meetings in Washington with senior US military and intelligence officers. He flew to the US on July 17, on the day that hostilities flared between the Israeli and Syrian armies in the southern Golan on a scale which was never released to the public. That clash marked the bankruptcy of the government and army command’s efforts to stop the tide of violence from reaching Israel’s northern borders by means of a tactic of virtual non-involvement, aside from limited aid to certain Syrian rebel groups, medical care for some of their wounded and certain unreported small-scale operations.
»Threats from five separate sources now threaten to swamp those efforts entirely. They are posed by the Syrian army; Hizballah; global jiahdists; armed Syrian rebel militias funded by Saudi Arabia; and Al Qaeda groups bolstered for the first time by the arrival in recent weeks Pakistani Taliban groups of fighters. Islamist forces are thrusting forward strongly in eastern, northern and western Syria. They murder any non-Islamist rebel chiefs, especial Free Syrian Army commanders, standing in their way and are moving on towards Lebanon and Jordan as well.
»What strikes most concern in Jerusalem, are the first signs of a tie-in between al Qaeda in Syria and al Qaeda in Sinai. The intelligence chief’ went to Washington with a report that coordinated terrorist operations against Israel were shaping up for the first time from Syria, Sinai and possibly Lebanon too.
»It was suddenly borne in on Israel that its two strikes against Syria’s chemical weapons and the transfer of advanced hardware to Hizballah were wide off the mark. The greatest danger has turned out to be Al Qaeda’s spreading potency. Anyway, chemical warfare has since spread across the Syrian battlefield and Hizballah forces fighting in Syria simply take direct delivery of advanced weapons from the Syrian army, without even trying to transfer them to Lebanon.»