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699C’est sans doute une mesure symbolique et bien frappante de l’agitation extraordinaire des esprits au Royaume-Uni, à trois jours des élections de 2010 qui ont l’allure d’une vraie révolution, que la référence que choisit Bruce Anderson, conservateur convaincu, pour magnifier David Cameron, chef des conservateurs, soit le général de Gaulle et non l’inaltérable icône britannique (Winston Churchill). Dans The Independent du 3 mai 2010, Anderson, décrivant l’état pitoyable du Royaume-Uni, en appelle à David Cameroun pour sauver la nation, – “Our de Gaulle…”
Fort bien, – du moment qu’il ne l’appelle pas “Our Joan of Arc”…
«…As any Tory should be, [Cameron] is also rooted in Britain. De Gaulle said that throughout his life, he always had a certain idea of France. That is not how we British talk, which is both fortunate and unfortunate. Unfortunate, in that it could produce magnificent prose; fortunate, in that in France, the grandiloquence is the product of embattlement, invasion and the consequent soul-searching, which we complacent Brits have been lucky enough to avoid, thanks to the Channel. But in a reticent English way, Mr Cameron could echo de Gaulle.
»In a few days, he, like de Gaulle, may have the chance to turn his ideas into a programme for national recovery. Success is far from certain. The next government will not only have to cut spending and raise taxes. If grim, endless austerity is to be averted, it will have to rely on renewed economic growth, yet the components of that growth are hard to identify. It would be absurd to dismiss Mervyn King's doubts.
» Fortunately, David Cameron is undaunted by them. As some readers may be aware, I may be prejudiced. I have always thought that Mr Cameron has the highest qualities. Let us hope that he now has the chance to display them and that it is a case of cometh the hour, cometh the man.»