Par conséquent, un G.I. vaut bien entre 3.333,33 et 5.000 Irakiens, et même bien plus que ça



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Washington est engagé dans une mission forcenée : retrouver trois soldats US disparus en Irak. Le New York Times nous donne tous les détails sur les 4.000 soldats US engagés dans des missions de recherche.

«About 4,000 American ground troops supported by surveillance aircraft, attack helicopters and spy satellites swept towns and farmland south of Baghdad on Sunday, searching for three American soldiers who disappeared on Saturday after their patrol was ambushed, military officials said.

»The Islamic State of Iraq, an umbrella insurgent group that includes Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia, asserted that it had captured the three missing Americans and claimed responsibility for the attack, which killed four other American soldiers and an Iraqi Army soldier. The group offered no proof for its claim.

»The intensive search coincided with two deadly car bombings in Baghdad and northern Iraq that killed at least 55 people, wounded 155 and further underscored the challenges facing the American and Iraqi security forces, which have been unable to thwart such attacks by the Sunni Arab-led insurgency despite the infusion of new American troops.

»The ambush of the Americans occurred near Mahmudiya, a predominantly Sunni Arab farming town south of the capital that has been a battleground between Sunni Arab-insurgents, Shiite militias and Iraqi and American security forces.»

A côté de ces efforts humanitaires titanesques et fort respectables, nous apprenons, par les soins du bureau de Washington du groupe McClatchy que les Irakiens disparus de la guerre de libération de l’Irak par les USA sont, dans une mesure assez indéterminée en fait, entre 10.000 et 15.000, peut-être plus et même sans aucun doute beaucoup plus. Le rapport entre les efforts faits pour retrouver les trois soldats US et ceux faits pour retrouver les Irakiens justifie à peu près notre titre.

«Over the past four years, as sectarian kidnappings and killings have gripped Iraq and U.S. forces have arrested untold numbers in an effort to pacify the country, tens of thousands of Iraqis have vanished... […]

»There's no accurate count of the missing since the war began. Iraqi human rights groups put the figure at 15,000 or more, while government officials say 40 to 60 people disappeared each day throughout the country for much of last year, a rate equal to at least 14,600 in one year.

»What happened to them is a frustrating mystery that compounds Iraq's overwhelming sense of chaos and anarchy. Are they dead? Were they kidnapped or killed in some mass bombing? Is the Iraqi government or some militia group holding them? Were they taken prisoner by the United States, which is holding 19,000 Iraqis at its two main detention centers, at Camp Cropper and Camp Bucca?»

Mis en ligne le 15 mai 2007 à 05H57