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1051Le commentateur dissident Paul Craig Roberts, ancien ministre de l’administration Reagan, a, depuis longtemps, pris fermement position dans le courant de contestation radicale de la version officielle de l’attaque du 11 septembre 2001. Le Washington Times, soutien sans faille des neocons et de la clique Bush-Cheney, s’est toujours fait un devoir de traîner dans le sarcasme et le mépris tous ceux qui contestent la version officielle de 9/11.
Quelle n’est pas la surprise de Paul Craig Roberts de découvrir, dans les éditions du 22 février 2010 du Washington Times une présentation fort sérieuse, voire respectueuse et intéressée, d’une des 31 conférences de presse tenues ce jour-là dans diverses villes des USA par l’association Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, qui regroupe 1.000 professionnels de ces deux professions et a établi des faits techniques indubitables qui contredisent cette même version officielle.
Avant de rendre compte du contenu de ces conférences de presse, Paul Craig Roberts commente, sur OnLine Journal le 1er mars 2010 a détailler cet étrange (par rapport à la ligne du journal) article du Washington Times, pour lequel il n’avance aucune explication.
«The Washington Times is a newspaper that looks with favor upon the Bush/Cheney/Obama/neocon wars of aggression in the Middle East and favors making terrorists pay for 9/11. Therefore, I was surprised to learn on February 24 that the most popular story on the paper’s website for the past three days was the “Inside the Beltway” report, “Explosive News” (By Jennifer Harper, February 22, 2010) about the 31 press conferences in cities in the US and abroad on February 19 held by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, an organization of professionals which now has 1,000 members.
»I was even more surprised that the news report treated the press conference seriously.
»How did three World Trade Center skyscrapers suddenly disintegrate into fine dust? How did massive steel beams in three skyscrapers suddenly fail as a result of short-lived, isolated, and low temperature fires? “A thousand architects and engineers want to know, and are calling on Congress to order a new investigation into the destruction of the Twin Towers and Building 7,” reports the Washington Times.w
»The paper reports that the architects and engineers have concluded that the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the National Institute of Standards and Technology provided “insufficient, contradictory and fraudulent accounts of the circumstances of the towers’ destruction” and are “calling for a grand jury investigation of NIST officials.”
»The newspaper reports that Richard Gage, the spokesperson for the architects and engineers said: “Government officials will be notified that ‘Misprision of Treason,’ U.S. Code 18 (Sec. 2382) is a serious federal offense, which requires those with evidence of treason to act. The implications are enormous and may have profound impact on the forthcoming Khalid Sheik Mohammed trial.”»