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691Drôle de situation en Arizona, alors qu’on s’étripe sur la loi de contrôle de l’immigration illégale promulguée par l’Etat et contestée par Washington D.C.... Le simple constat que le même Washington D.C. devra aussi négocier avec les cartels de la drogue mexicains puisque ces organisations contrôlent effectivement certaines parties de l’Etat pour la circulation de leur trafic. La police et les divers services de sécurité ne sont ni assez nombreux, ni assez bien équipés pour leur contester cette annexion de facto du territoire des Etats-Unis d’Amérique. Quant à l'immigration illégale, certes, force restera à la loi du “centre” washingtonien et vertueux.
C’est Human Events qui, le 18 juin 2010, rapporte une conférence de presse d’un sheriff local qui a reçu bien peu de publicité.
«In a press conference ignored by the American national media, the sheriff described how his deputies were outmanned and outgunned by the cartel smugglers who increasingly operate using military tactics and weapons. The result, said Sheriff Babeu, was that a wide corridor of Arizona from the border North to the outskirts of Phoenix is effectively controlled by the cartels. “We do not have control of this area,” the sheriff said.
»At the same time as the sheriff's ignored press conference, the national media did cover assurances from the Obama Administration that crime was down at the border; that the border had never been safer. This ludicrous propaganda was based on selected crime stats from San Diego, Phoenix, Austin and San Antonio. The new reign of terror on the border in Arizona was airbrushed out of the picture. […]
»Frequent cross border incursions into the U.S. by cartel soldiers in Mexican Army uniforms driving American-made Humvees and toting automatic weapons support an increasingly sophisticated web of smuggling routes. Patrolling sheriff deputies or lone Border Patrol officers are no match for this firepower and are ordered to fall back when confronted with the cartels' military might.
»Aerial photographs taken by American civilian pilots show cartel bulldozers improving dirt roads across the undefended border after a seasonal rain to facilitate the nightly drug runs…»
L’article est illustré d’une photo montrant une pancarte plantée dans la campagne désertique de l’Arizona. Elle avertit les “routards”, les campeurs et les touristes de ne pas s’aventurer dans la zone délimitée… Un paragraphe du texte sert de légende à cette photo :
«Here's the real picture Obama does not want you to see. Warning signs were posted this past month by the federal government 80 miles North of the border on the South side of I-8 between Casa Grande and Gila Bend urging U.S. citizens not to camp or hike in the “Active Drug and Human Smuggling Area” because “Visitors May Encounter Armed Criminals.” Here is a picture of one of those signs…»
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