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511Gideon Levy, commentateur opiniâtrement critique de la politique belliciste d’Israël, explique dans Haaretz, ce 26 octobre 2010, pourquoi les fuites massives de Wikileaks sur la guerre en Irak ont si manifestement rencontré des commentaires favorables en Israël. On a notamment l’explication de l’initiative d’un député israélien d’extrême droite de demander que des responsables US soient traduits devant un tribunal international pour crimes de guerre.
«The voice of joy, the voice of rejoicing is heard in Israel: The Americans and British have also committed for war crimes, not only us. WikiLeaks' revelations have inflamed all our noisy propagandists: Where is Goldstone, they rejoiced, and what would he have said? They were relieved. If the Americans are allowed to do it, so are we.
»Indeed, the Americans are not allowed, and neither are we. When the traffic police stop a driver for speeding, the argument that “others do it” will not help him. When Richard Goldstone exposes war crimes in Gaza, the claim that “everyone does it” will not help us. Not everyone does it, and when they do, they should be excoriated and penalized.
»According to the logic of Israeli propagandists, some of whom are disguised as journalists, Israel should now proudly look at the rest of the world: They killed more people there. There is no need to improve prison conditions in Israel – in China the situation is much worse; there is no need to upgrade health services – in America 50 million people have no insurance; no need to reduce the gap between rich and poor – in Mexico it is greater; we can continue to assassinate without trial – the British also do it; human rights are protected here – the Iranians are much worse; Israel has no corruption – look what's happening in Africa; the United States has the death penalty – let's have it too; it is even permissible to kill dissident journalists – look at the Russians.»
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