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607L’avisé Tom Engelhardt, qui suit le scandale Plamegate avec un ancien procureur fédéral, Elizabeth de La Vega, observe dans sa dernière chronique combien l’enquête du procureur spécial Fitgzerald reste “ouverte” après l’inculpation de Lewis “Scooter” Libby.
Engelhardt rapporte notamment, à l’appui de ce jugement, deux avis venant de deux personnes d’engagements diamétralement opposés: James Moore (l’auteur de Bush's Brain: How Karl Rove Made George W. Bush Presidential, un des meilleurs bouquins sur la manipulation de GW par son “cerveau” Karl Rove) donne cette appréciation dans un article du 28 octobre sur le site « Special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald must surely just be at the beginning of rendering justice. An indictment or two will hardly serve to answer the critical questions. The leak and any lies to the grand jury were most likely motivated by a deep and abiding fear that a much greater crime was at risk of being uncovered. Karl Rove is vindictive, yes. But he is not stupid. Rove would never risk treason unless he thought it served a political purpose. And this was the most important political purpose of all: protecting his most precious asset, George W. Bush. »
D’autre part, Ann Coulter, célèbre commentatrice d’extrême droite aux USA, connue pour sa violence verbale, et bien entendu entièrement partisane de l’administration GW Bush, — avec cet avis extrait d’une émission de CNN, Quicktime, du 28 octobre au matin:
O’BRIEN: So there you have it, Karl Rove apparently escaping indictment, but that’s the good news. The bad news is, on goes the investigation. What are your thoughts on that one?
COULTER: That is like the worse possible outcome.
O’BRIEN: Oh, an indictment would be better?
COULTER: I think so. I mean, I don’t think indictments are particularly big deal politically. They’re a big deal for whoever gets indicted, but I don’t think it really matters to the White House. I’ve just been thinking, this is going to be lancing the boil. Let’s just get it done one way or the other this Friday. Either they get indicted and they leave, or they’re not indicted and it’s over. To stay under investigation — that is not the best possible outcome.
Mis en ligne le 31 octobre 2005 à 10H10