Que voulez-vous dire de plus sinon que notre civilisation est cruellement et mortellement stupide?



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Le FMI en Irak! Ils ont trouvé ça… Le général Sanchez dit, après plus d’un an de commandement dans le pays : « Country’s on the verge of civil war » Pour le reste, on sait ce qu’il est de la situation en Irak aujourd’hui. C’est nous qui sommes venu installer ce désordre cruel et sanglant, qui l’aggravons chaque jour, avec notre vanité et notre arrogance aveugles. (Bons princes, donnons-nous de ce “nous” qui nous assimile aux barbares postmodernes.)

Que faire ?

Ils ont trouvé : le FMI est arrivé. Voyez ci-après les conséquences. Ces gens sont irrémédiablement stupides. Le sort cruel, inhumain et sacrilège qu’ils font subir à l’Irak dans l’indifférence générale de la civilisation en vacances de fin d’années a au moins cet avantage (!) qui lui donne une dimension de martyre : l’Irak servira dans le futur, si nous avons un futur, comme témoignage de tout ce que l’homme moderne recèle de diabolique en lui, servi par sa vanité et son infinie stupidité. « As the IMF said in a press release of December 23, the Iraqi government must be committed to “controlling the wage and pensions bill, reducing subsidies on petroleum products, and expanding the participation of the private sector in the domestic market for petroleum products.” The impact of the IMF extortion was swift and brutal.

» ”Since the Dec. 15 parliamentary election, fuel prices have increased five-fold, mostly because the outgoing government of Prime Minister Ibrahim Jafari has cut subsidies as part of a debt-forgiveness deal it signed with the International Monetary Fund,” the Los Angeles Times reported on December 28. “The move has shocked Iraqis long accustomed to hefty subsidies of gasoline, kerosene, cooking gas, and other fuels.”

» Iraqis are getting a nasty taste of the IMF's medicine. “Over the summer, gas was selling for about five cents a gallon,” the LA Times noted. “Now it's about 65 cents, and at the end of the price increases, gasoline will cost about the same in Iraq as it does in other countries in the Persian Gulf, about $1 per gallon. The prices of kerosene, diesel, and cooking gas have seen similar or steeper increases.” The price of public transportation has also gone up significantly.

» Not surprisingly, these enormous price hikes have led to riots around the country, with police firing on 3,000 protesters in Nassiryeh, according to an account on Daily Kos, Iraq's oil minister quit to protest the government's capitulation to the IMF. According to Daily Kos, Oil Minister Ibrahim Bahr al-Uloum asked, “Is this how we repay the Iraq citizens who risked their lives to participate in the elections, by raising fuel prices in this way?”

» The indestructible Ahmad Chalabi, a longtime favorite of Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney, replaced al-Uloum. The Bush Administration is four-square behind the IMF deal. “This arrangement will underpin economic stability and help lay the foundation for an open and prosperous economy in Iraq,” said US Treasury Secretary John Snow. »

Mis en ligne le 6 janvier 2006 à 08H39