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1039Richard North, qu’il nous arriva déjà de consulter (voir notamment le 1er novembre 2005 et le 1er février 2006) est un anti-européen absolument radical, parfois pro-américaniste, parfois très intéressant. Nous le redécouvrons sur son site EUReferendum, avec une position nettement anti-UE sur la question ukrainienne, par conséquent éventuellement pro-russe (“les ennemis de mes ennemis...”). L’intérêt de North, c’est qu’il met au service de son engagement politique radical des connaissances opérationnelles et techniques très avancées dans le domaine de la défense. Ce qu’il fait dans son article du 16 août 2014 renforce de façon sympathique ce que nous évoquons dans notre texte du 16 août 2014 sur l’invasion russe de l’Ukraine, selon la tactique de l’éclair au chocolat chère au président Porochenko.
On notera que la première partie de l’article contribue à éclaircir l’un des “mystères” de la destruction du vol MH17, concernant un véhicule dont certains antirusses affirmèrent qu’il était un lance-missiles BUK/SA-11 russe ayant servi à détruire l’avion. North en fait son profit pour démonter cette version... Puis il passe au commentaire de l’invasion-éclair/fantôme de l’Ukraine, avec nombre d’appréciations sarcastiques pour les journalistes (Guardian, Telegraph, BBC.News) qui on lancé l’alarme et fait la preuve du forfait avant que le forfait n’ait lieu. (Dans son propre Forum, North intervient pour observer ceci qui est la chaîne des erreurs et des mensonges qui se renforcent les uns et les autres, tout en se “crédibilisant” paradoxalement, entre journalistes-Système et hommes politiques, selon le concept MPM : «The particular danger, it seems to me, is the media-politico-media loop. (I think I'll start calling it the MPM loop). The media report their garbage, the politicians lap it up and comment on it, the media them report the comment with the politicians then read, believing all that lies before them. This does the original reporting distort, and then get further distorted, taking on a like of its own, entirely divorced from the original events.».)
Bien, concernant l’invasion de l’Ukraine, avec le commentaire que le reportage des médias sur cette sorte de crise tourne à la farce : «But, with the solution of one mystery, we now have another in the fabled Russian invasion of Ukraine (as opposed to Crimea), witnessed by the Telegraph and the Guardian but apparently very few others. And now with the column apparently attacked by the Ukrainians, with some armour destroyed, Russia's government has denied the existence of this “invasion”, calling the Ukrainian report “some kind of fantasy”.
»Strangely, this famous victory seems to have been unwitnessed by any journalist and, for the moment, no photographs have been published, with even the famous Shaun Walker relying on “claims” from the Ukrainians, his report illustrated with a stock photograph. Hilariously, Newsweek uses a photograph of a wrecked BMP-2 from 5 July.
»Back on this planet (just), Walker tells us that “The Guardian” saw at least 50 APCs and dozens of trucks and troop carrying vehicles, many emblazoned with “Peacekeeping Forces” and some flying the Russian flag, on the road to Ukraine. Whether these were the same batch attacked by Ukraine is not entirely clear, although Walker's “invasion” seems to have happened on Thursday night. This time, the putative invadors “appeared to turn off before reaching the immediate vicinity of the border”. And, it seems, earlier in the day, “what appeared to be parts of a BUK system were also seen in the area, passing by the roadside camp where the humanitarian convoy has stopped”.
»Walker also took some pics (above), which seem to have come from the same location that Rosenberg snapped the 9C18M1, which makes sense. And while Rosenerg might have some excuse for asking about the identity of the radar unit, Walker has less excuse in asking his Twitter followers to identify the BUK launchers. Amazingly, it seems, there are hacks out there still who don't know what they look like.
»Basically, as with Iraq, the reporting of this ongoing crisis is degenerating into a farce. But when you have hacks hired to watch Russian military machinery and they don't even know what they're looking at, it is impossible to take their reportage seriously. And how the media managed to degenerate to this state is another mystery, and probably one we'll never solve.»
Mis en ligne le 16 août 2014 à 16H43
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