Question : faut-il en rire ou en pleurer ? Bof… TB ne vaut pas une seule larme



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Ah oui, on oubliait : TB est nommé représentant dans les terres démocratisables du Moyen-Orient poussiéreux du formidable “quartette” symphonique de la civilisation occidentale et assimilée. Histoire de remettre de l’ordre au MO. Faut-il commenter cela ?

Laissons la plume à Soumaya Ghannoushi, dans le Guardian d’aujourd’hui :

«When you hear the news of Tony Blair's possible appointment as the Quartet's peace envoy to the Middle East, you don't know whether to laugh or cry. His selection for the job takes American policy in the Middle East to new heights of absurdity. The proposal we all know was put forward and pushed neither by Russia, nor the EU, but by the US as a reward for years of good service. But the decision is lunacy itself. The guiding question could only have been: who is the most profoundly resented and bitterly hated man in the Middle East? Bar Bush, the honour could only have gone to Blair.

»Blair is said to have offered himself forward for the job in one of his private conversations with Bush, who then proceeded to arm wrestle the Quartet to agree the appointment. But he has no idea of how deeply loathed he is in the region to which he wishes to be dispatched as peace envoy. When Arabs speak of Bush they refer to Blair as his “tail” and “mouthpiece”. The difference between the two in their eyes is between the master and his loyal servant. One lays down the policies, the other markets them.

»Once more Blair's boundless arrogance blinds him to what appears as clear as daylight to others. In the Middle East, his name is associated with catastrophe, with the inferno he has helped create in Iraq. For that is exactly what Iraq is today, whatever Blair may think, shrouded in a cocoon of hubris as he is. A recently issued Global Policy Forum report (June 2007) paints a hellish picture of violence, destruction of civil authority and cultural heritage, anarchy, insecurity, and poverty. It documents how hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have died (500,000), more than 4 million have been displaced, including over 2 million (2.2 million) that have fled the country.»

Et ainsi de suite… La malheureuse Soumaya n’en croit ni ses yeux, ni ses oreilles. Elle se pince, elle écrit et écrit encore : est-ce possible? Ont-ils nommé le type le plus haï de tous les Arabes du MO, derrière Bush, mais vraiment tout juste derrière? Est-ce possible? Ont-ils nommé le symbole de la guerre et de l’injustice pour rétablir la paix dans la justice?

Oui, chère Soumaya, c’est possible. Ils l’ont fait parce qu’ils n’ont rien à voir avec la réalité, avec la souffrance des gens, avec la finesse politique, avec le bon sens, avec tout ça... Cette pauvre civilisation occidentale à laquelle nous appartenons, civilisation en loques, absolument sans perspectives, qui se nourrit de ses dernières vanités comme on suce un sang appauvri, d’une stupidité si aveugle qu’elle vous ferait ricaner un mal-voyant qui court d’un rire grinçant de supériorité. Un conseil, Soumaya : il vaut mieux en rire qu’en pleurer.

Mis en ligne le 27 juin 2007 à 11H06