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784Certains détails en disent plus que les longues tirades apologétiques auxquelles nous habitue la presse convenue lorsqu’il s’agit de Tony Blair. En effet, on parle ici de Tony Blair, du Parti (majuscule évidente) et de la conférence annuelle du Parti actuellement en cours. Les adversaires de Blair ont surnommé cette chose: « the “don't mention the war” conference » et The Independent nous précise que « the party avoided a separate debate and vote on Iraq and the Prime Minister made only a short reference to the issue in his keynote speech. Mr Blair also blocked a motion for the conference to pay tribute to Robin Cook, the cabinet minister who resigned over the war and died in August. »
... Par contre, Jack Straw, le secrétaire au Foreign Office, est venu parler de l’Irak pour faire une brillante apologie de la politique britannique et des progrès impressionnants de la situation en Irak. Ce fut l’occasion d’un incident qui marque le climat de cette conférence où le New Labour ressemble de plus en plus au bon vieux Parti des Brejnev, Souslov & compagnie. Un militant de 82 ans, qui avait fui les Nazis dans sa jeunesse pour s’inscrire chez les travaillistes, souligna un passage du discours ministériel d’un sonore “nonsense!”. Voici ce qu’il advint du cher vieil homme: « Walter Wolfgang, a party member for 57 years, was bundled out of the conference hall by stewards after shouting “nonsense” as Mr Straw, the Foreign Secretary, defended Britain's role in Iraq. He was later stopped under anti-terrorist powers as he tried to re-enter the hall. The heavy-handed treatment of Mr Wolfgang revived criticism of the ‘control freakery’ associated with New Labour and even drew comparisons with the way the Communist leaders in Russia and China stifled dissent.
» Mr Wolfgang [...] said: “I shouted out ‘nonsense’. That's all I said. Then these two toughies came round and wanted to manhandle me out. ‘I said: ‘Do you want me to leave? I will leave, you don't need to manhandle me.’ Physically, I am not too well, so I said I would follow them.”
» Steve Forrest, the chairman of the Erith and Thamesmead Labour Party, was also ejected for protesting at Mr Wolfgang's treatment. [...] Mr Forrest said: “I literally said ‘hear, hear’ twice. Later, this gentleman shouted ‘nonsense’. It was just the voicing of an opinion and they grabbed hold of him. I said: ‘You leave him alone, he is an old man’ and five stewards pulled me out of the centre. They've taken my pass away and they won't let me back into the conference centre.” »
...Finalement, au milieu de l'écho des indignations publiques suscitées par l'épisode, le Parti, penaud et marri comme tout vrai parti démocratique devant un souci de communication, a dû présenter ses excuses au vieil homme (« The Labour Party was forced to make a humiliating apology to an 82-year-old party member »).
Mis en ligne le 29 septembre 2005 à 09H40