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746Dans un article du 25 janvier 2012, dans The Independent, Robert Fisk prend la question de la crise iranienne sous l’angle de l’historique du programme nucléaire iranien depuis ses origines. (Lesquelles remontent au Shah, et furent accueillies, à l’époque, par un concert d’encouragements élogieux par les principaux ténors de l’actuel bloc BAO.) Fisk, de moins en moins indulgent avec Israël comme il le fut parfois en d’autres occasions, met en évidence la constance de l’obsession iranienne d’Israël, et la constance non moins grande du mensonge israélien à cet égard.
Avec des nuances tenant aux circonstances et aux diversités des engagements, on découvre, ou l’on a la mémoire rafraîchie à cet égard, que le bloc BAO et les Anglo-Saxons ont dans cette affaire la même responsabilité de créateurs du soi-disant “monstre ” qu’ils dénoncent, qu’ils eurent dans le cas d’al Qaïda et du mouvement islamiste extrémiste en Afghanistan et ailleurs. (Voir Brzezinski en 1998.) Bien, – rien de bien nouveau ; de quelque côté que l’on se tourne, vers toutes les crises et les points de tension, le Système est la source de tout, la “cause première” et la “cause centrale”.
Un extrait chronologique et significatif du texte de Fisk…
«Let's take the Israeli version which, despite constant proof that Israel's intelligence services are about as efficient as Syria's, goes on being trumpeted by its friends in the West, none more subservient than Western journalists. The Israeli President warns us now that Iran is on the cusp of producing a nuclear weapon. Heaven preserve us. Yet we reporters do not mention that Shimon Peres, as Israeli Prime Minister, said exactly the same thing in 1996. That was 16 years ago. And we do not recall that the current Israeli PM, Benjamin Netanyahu, said in 1992 that Iran would have a nuclear bomb by 1999. That would be 13 years ago. Same old story.
»In fact, we don't know that Iran really is building a nuclear weapon. And after Iraq, it's amazing that the old weapons of mass destruction details are popping with the same frequency as all the poppycock about Saddam's titanic arsenal. Not to mention the date problem. When did all this start? The Shah. The old boy wanted nuclear power. He even said he wanted a bomb because "the US and the Soviet Union had nuclear bombs" and no one objected. Europeans rushed to supply the dictator's wish. Siemens – not Russia – built the Bushehr nuclear facility.
»And when Ayatollah Khomeini, Scourge of the West, Apostle of Shia Revolution, etc, took over Iran in 1979, he ordered the entire nuclear project to be closed down because it was "the work of the Devil". Only when Saddam invaded Iran – with our Western encouragement – and started using poison gas against the Iranians (chemical components arriving from the West, of course) was Khomeini persuaded to reopen it.
»All this has been deleted from the historical record; it was the black-turbaned mullahs who started the nuclear project, along with the crackpot Ahmadinejad. And Israel might have to destroy this terror-weapon to secure its own survival, to ensure the West's survival, for democracy, etc, etc.»