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1074On peut lire dans notre rubrique Bloc Notes, ce 22 mai 2010, les commentaires de Edmund Conway, du Daily Telegraph. Conway mentionne notamment le vote très récent du Sénat US, réclamant l’interdiction de l’intervention du FMI pour sauver des nations confrontées à leur crise de l’endettement.
Le sujet est abordé par le fameux parlementaire républicain (libertarien) du Texas Ron Paul, dans une interview faite par Lew Rockwell, dans le Lew Rockwell Show, le 7 mai 2010. La transcription de l’interview audio a été mise en ligne sur le site de Ron Paul le 10 mai 2010. On peut lire également, dans les questions qui suivent, des appréciations intéressantes du même Ron Paul sur le comportement de l’or dans l’actuelle phase de la crise.
Lew Rockwell: «Ron, one of the things that’s always interested you about the Fed secrecy is what the heck they’re doing internationally. So here we have this crisis in Europe. We have the Greek sovereign debt question and of course England and Spain and Italy and Portugal and maybe even more than that, and of course the US too. What’s happening? Tell us what’s happening in Europe and maybe what the Fed is doing illegally and unconstitutionally about it.»
Ron Paul: «I guess I have to do a little speculating on that since we’re not privy to what they do and we don’t have a right to ask questions or get any answers. Even with an audit bill passed, they would do everything in the world to prevent that information from coming out. But I do know that they have the legal authority to buy sovereign debt and I asked Bernanke if he could buy Greek debt, and he looked at his staff at the time if he could answer that question, acknowledge that. And the staffer shook her head yes and he says yes, we can buy Greek debt.
»I sort of think that they probably haven’t done that yet. But in the next time Bernanke was before the committee, I can sense this has happened, this IMF plan to bail out the Greek government, and that’s with funds that we have created. He has to create this money that goes into the IMF and we have like what? 25 percent of that? So we will be involved when it’s in our interest to prop up the international system. We will do the bailing out, but as of now I guess we don’t have any proof of that. They have the authority to do it. They don’t have the Constitutional authority to do it, but they have the technical legal authority to do whatever they want. It’s just a shame that the American people don’t have the right to know what they’re doing and we don’t have much transparency on what they’re doing.»
Lew Rockwell: «Ron, yesterday we had some interesting turmoil on the market that they ascribed I thought hilariously to some guy pushing the B button instead of the M button on his keyboard.»
Ron Paul: «What if they hit the T button?»
Lew Rockwell: «What’s happening? I’m going to ask you to speculate again. What’s happening? Do you see real trouble ahead immediately? Is it going to be longer term? What’s ahead?»
Ron Paul: «Well, I think this week was a significant week because I watch the dollar very closely. The conventional wisdom of watching the dollar is to see how it’s doing on the international exchange markets, and it’s been doing rather well. It looks real strong. Who wants to buy euros right now? So the dollar remains strong and people are frightened, we still have the most amount of wealth and the biggest military, so people do go buy Treasury bills and buy dollars.
»Ordinarily, when people buy dollars, the dollar goes up. You can buy gold cheaper in the gold price in terms of the dollar going down. This week, just yesterday when we has this big rout and concern about the market; the market goes down sharply and the dollar goes up but this time, gold went up. I mean, gold in dollar terms, should be down a whole lot but not according to those who were just purchasing gold as a haven or turmoil. It went up $50. I think this is the first time for a while that it started acting like the true money that it is.
»It’s always been money and always will be money but the last several decades it’s been acting more like a commodity, which it is and should be a commodity. But it’s also a monetary metal. Yesterday, the commodities were down sharply. Even silver went down. But gold acted in a proper manner and people around the world are starting to look at it and seeing it as a haven.
»But I think this is the second event that I think is significant. In November of last year, the IMF always notoriously dumps gold to keep the price down like they did in 1970. In November, they dumped 200 tons of gold and it didn’t do anything. One central bank, a poor central bank for a poor country bought all 200 tons and that was India. And I thought yeah, gold is still money. The irony of it all is the West, the European nations, the United States, we’re dumping the gold, we get rid of the gold, at the same time this gold is moving eastward so I guess maybe Jim Rogers might be right. The future is in the east, not in the west.»