Santorum et les musulmans : “éradication”, éventuellement

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Santorum et les musulmans : “éradication”, éventuellement

Rick Santorum est bien connu, ou devrait être bien connu dans tous les cas, pour ses vues “extrêmes” et simplistes sur la Guerre contre la Terreur. Son neveu nous a déjà instruits à cet égard. Il y a aussi ses vues sur les musulmans. Elles expliquent sa récente déclaration selon laquelle la Palestine n’existe pas, ce qui le place en concurrence avec Gingrich, comme favori du Lobby (le lobby pro-sioniste, pro-Likoud, qui tient le Congrès à Washington sur ces questions de politique extérieure “idéologisée”).

Dans, le 5 janvier 2012, Max Blumenthal nous donne des précisions sur les positions de Santorum par rapport aux musulmans. Blumenthal commence à rappeler la campagne contre le “racisme” des newsletter publiées il y a 15 et 20 ans sous l’égide de Ron Paul, mais non écrites par lui, et dont le contenu était ignoré par lui lorsqu’elles furent publiées. Cela pour tenir la balance égale, puis, pour constater enfin qu’elle penche largement en faveur de Santorum quant à la vigueur du propos personnel, puisque ce qu’a dit Santorum sur les musulmans, il l’a réellement dit, lui, et que cela date d’il y a quatre ans.

«Though Romney won Iowa, he succeeded by a mere 8 votes over former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum. The mainstream press is now fixated on Santorum, praising him for his “authenticity” and predicting he will continue to win over “gritty Catholics,” as MSNBC host Chris Matthews said today. But now that Santorum is in the limelight, he is also going to be thoroughly vetted. So the question is whether the media will devote anywhere near the same level of attention it gave to Ron Paul's newsletters as it will to Santorum's record of hysterically Islamophobic statements and anti-Muslim activism. So far, I have seen nothing to suggest that it will.

»In 2007, a few months after Santorum was ousted from the Senate in a landslide defeat, he accepted an invitation from right-wing provocateur David Horowitz to speak at “Islamo-Fascism Campus Awareness Week.” As I documented in my video report on Horowitz's appearance at Columbia University that year, “Islamo-Fascism" week was a naked ploy to generate publicity for the frenetically self-promoting Horowitz while demonizing Muslim-Americans as a dangerous fifth column who required constant government monitoring and possibly worse. The event was so extreme that even Jewish groups like Hillel known for promoting Zionism on campus rejected it.

»There is no video documentation or transcript of Santorum's speech at Horowitz's “Islamo-Fascism Awareness” event. However, I was able to find a transcript of a speech Santorum delivered at Horowitz's invitation in March 2007. During his address, the ex-Senator declared the need to “define the enemy,” but he made little effort to distinguish between the general population of Muslims and violent Islamic extremists. If anything, he seemed to conflate the two.

»Here are a few of the remarkable statements Santorum made at Horowitz's event:

»“What must we do to win? We must educate, engage, evangelize and eradicate.”

»“Look at Europe. Europe is on the way to losing. The most popular male name in Belgium -- Mohammad. It’s the fifth most popular name in France among boys. They are losing because they are not having children, they have no faith, they have nothing to counteract it. They are balkanizing Islam, but that’s exactly what they want. And they’re creating an opportunity for the creation of Eurabia, or Euristan in the future...Europe will not be in this battle with us. Because there will be no Europe left to fight.”

»We should “talk about how Islam treats homosexuals. Talk about how they treat anybody who is found to be a homosexual, and the answer to that is, they kill them.” “...the Shia brand of Islamist extremists [is] even more dangerous than the Sunni [version]. Why? Because the ultimate goal of the Shia brand of Islamic Islam is to bring back the Mahdi. And do you know when the Mahdi returns? At the Apocalypse at the end of the world. You see, they are not interested in conquering the world; they are interested in destroying the world.”

»“The other thing we need to do is eradicate, and that’s the final thing. As I said, this is going to be a long war.”

»The Islamophobic rant Santorum delivered at an event organized by a known bigot was no less extreme than anything contained in Ron Paul's newsletters. But don't wait for the American mainstream press to discuss Santorum's disturbing views on Muslims as anything other than proof of his “authenticity.”»