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506L’ancien officier de la CIA devenu chroniqueur dissident et antiSystème Philip Giraldi dresse une satire de l’avenir des USA, qu’il situe dans sa phase ultime entre les deux élections présidentielles, 2012 et 2016. Il décrit une élection de 2012 où rien ne change, avec un Obama réélu à défaut d’autre chose, une sorte de cabinet d’“union nationale” fait des plus extrémistes du Système, puis jusqu’à la date fatidique de 2016 (sur Antiwar.com, le 6 octobre 2011).
• Comment Philip Giraldi voit la situation de l’élection présidentielle de 2012 à partir de son état d’esprit actuel…
«Many traditional conservatives, libertarians, and progressives who are no longer mesmerized by the Obama persona are beginning to realize that the 2012 elections might be the last chance to right the ship of state. Either we Americans can continue down a fear-driven path that will lead to our transformation into a police state with a declining economy, retaining only the trappings of a constitutional republic, or we can admit that the legacy of the past 10 years has been like a metastasizing cancer, something that should be surgically removed and discarded.
»To be sure, the field of Republican candidate wannabes is not reassuring and offers little to distinguish itself from President Barack Obama. Indeed, Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann sound very much like George W. Bush, only more incoherent. Because Ron Paul deviates from the GOP orthodoxy on foreign and domestic policy issues, both the Republican leadership and the mainstream media continue to do their best to make him go away…»
• Supposons que rien ne change, supposons que l’élection présidentielle de 2012 se déroule “selon le plan prévu” du Système dans sa trajectoire de Chute ultime, c’est-à-dire sans un Ron Paul quelconque pour fausser le jeu. Giraldi dresse le tableau de sa satire des quatre années supplémentaires du président Obama.
«…The U.S. economy continues to contract, with the Fed and Treasury manipulating the quarterly statistics to confirm the White House claims that the country has avoided sliding into a double-dip recession. Unemployment hits 13 percent with an equal number having given up the search for work and 20 percent more underemployed, making the United States number one in unemployment among industrialized nations. As a result of the budget crisis, unemployment benefits are limited to 13 weeks and 80 million Americans lack health insurance. Medicare and Social Security eligibility now begins at age 70. One in five houses has gone into foreclosure since the housing bubble burst in 2008.
»The national debt is over $26 trillion, making the U.S. also number one in the debt-to-gross-national-product ratio, with a debt twice as big as the total of all goods and services produced by the country plus income from foreign investments in a year. Economists agree that the only reason the U.S. hasn’t moved to default is that growing economies like China, Brazil, and India are reluctant to pull the life-support plug on the cow they have been milking for so many years, so they keep buying worthless Treasury bonds. The use of federal soldiers and National Guardsmen to put down riots by the unemployed and hungry in several cities in 2013-14 is controversial but is supported by most Americans and the media. The resulting deaths have been blamed in some cases on agents provocateurs of overseas terrorist groups deliberately seeking to create problems for the administration.»
• Etc., etc., jusqu’en 2016 finalement. Giraldi achève son tableau par la perspective de l’élection présidentielle de 2016 plus que cette élection elle-même. En effet, l’élection n’aura peut-être pas lieu si le cabinet constitué pour l’état d’urgence permanent en décide ainsi. L’état chaotique des USA justifie cette non-décision d’une extrême sagesse. «…The 2014 suspension of congressional elections for the duration of the crisis under emergency legislation has also been criticized, but the president has assured the people that it is necessary to keep experienced office holders in place to deal with the problems that are emerging. He has promised that as soon as the crisis is over elections will again take place. Presidential elections for 2016 will be held unless the state of emergency Cabinet decides that they should be delayed for national security reasons.»
• Giraldi termine par une conclusion qui nous ramène aujourd’hui, dans ce temps qui nourrit toutes les satires devant cette situation en constante dégradation, et l’absurdité d’une direction politique contribuant avec zèle et constance à cette dégradation. Bon prince, Giraldi suggère que 2016 sera peut-être l’année de la mort des Etats-Unis d’Amérique, ce qui est somme toute faire preuve d’un certain optimisme chronologique.
«Fantasy? Well, maybe. But who would have thought during the summer of 2001 that the United States would declare war on the entire world and become embroiled in a number of unwinnable conflicts in Asia, that it would willingly bankrupt itself to do so, that Americans would accept the wholesale dismemberment of the Bill of Rights, and that electoral and political corruption would reach unprecedented levels. Osama bin Laden, the man blamed for the terrorist attacks in September of that year, openly boasted of his plans to bankrupt the United States by getting it to overreact to presumed threats. Did he ever get that right, with Bush and Obama acting predictably and cluelessly. Unless someone in Washington is smart enough to turn around the playbook, America will continue to slide into despair and disillusionment, and the answer will always be the same: more repression, more blame directed at outside forces, more lashing out like a wounded giant. Do nothing and 2016 could easily mark the death of the United States of America.»
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