Seymour Hersh et le “CIA’s Gulag” en Europe



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Extrait d’une interview donnée à Amy Goodman par le journaliste Seymour Hersh le 29 novembre, sur “Democracy Now!”, suite à son article du 28 novembre dans le New Yorker. Quelques mots sur le “CIA’s Gulag” en Europe qui nous font penser que nous aurons bientôt du nouveau; et du nouveau de grand intérêt, si l'on se réfère à la qualité du travail de Hersh.

AMY GOODMAN: By the way, do you believe that the secret prisons are in Romania and Poland, as Human Rights Watch believes, that the Washington Post won't name, but exposed?

SEYMOUR HERSH: Well, Amy, I’m actually doing some more work on it. But I will tell you this, the C.I.A. prisons are there. There have been prisons, the C.I.A. has run prisons for many, many years around the world. And I’m sure terrible things happen. But that's actually not where the real game is. They're somewhere else.


SEYMOUR HERSH: Other places. I’m — let me do my reporting, and I promise I’ll publish it, and I promise I’ll come and talk to you about it.

Mis en ligne le 1er décembre 2005 à 09H37