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456Le dernier sondage Gallup/USA Today (5-7 mai) indique des chiffres effrayants pour GW Bush. 31% des personnes interrogées approuvent sa direction, 65% la désapprouvent. Même dans les rangs conservateurs et républicains, la désaffection commence à être marquante (68% des républicains et 52% des conservateurs interrogés approuvent sa direction).
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« “You hear people say he has a hard core that will never desert him, and that has been the case for most of the administration,” says Charles Franklin, a political scientist at the University of Wisconsin who studies presidential approval ratings. “But for the last few months, we started to see that hard core seriously erode in support.”
» Only four presidents have scored lower approval ratings since the Gallup Poll began regularly measuring it in the mid-1940s: Harry Truman, Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter and the first George Bush. When Nixon, Carter and the elder Bush sank below 35%, they never again registered above 40%.
» Truman twice sank into the low 30s and then rose into the 60s, but the third time his rating fell, it stayed below 40% as well.
» “Historically it's been pretty devastating to presidents at this level,” Franklin says. Even Republican members of Congress are ''now so worried about their electoral fortunes in November that he has less leverage with them than he normally would with his own party controlling Congress.” »
Mis en ligne le 9 mai 2006 à 09H34