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720Depuis le début de l’attaque israélienne, le Hezbollah est devenu immensément populaire au Liban, et non plus seulement chez les chiites du Liban. Le Christian Science Monitor nous rapporte ces nouvelles :
« The stakes are high for Hizbullah, but it seems it can count on an unprecedented swell of public support that cuts across sectarian lines. According to a poll released by the Beirut Center for Research and Information, 87 percent of Lebanese support Hizbullah's fight with Israel, a rise of 29 percent on a similar poll conducted in February. More striking, however, is the level of support for Hizbullah's resistance from non-Shiite communities. Eighty percent of Christians polled supported Hizbullah along with 80 percent of Druze and 89 percent of Sunnis. »
De toutes parts, le constat éclate de la popularité nouvelle du Hezbollah. Jonathan Freedman, dans le Guardian du jour, nous rapporte ce témoignage d’une manifestation très “bon chic bon genre” à Beyrouth (« A rally of well-dressed middle-class ladies, perhaps 40 in all, protested outside the UN's offices here on Wednesday, calling for a ceasefire. Representing the Lebanese Council of Women, they handed out leaflets appealing to Kofi Annan to get something done. »), — un témoignage qui nous en dit si long sur l’exaspération, la fureur, la rage des Libanais confrontés aux incohérences mortelles et absurdes de la politique américaniste (l’attaque israélienne n’en est qu’un effet) au Moyen-Orient :
« So my strongest impression of the rally came from Lamia Osseiran, one of its organisers: “The Israelis are radicalising Lebanon, even liberal democrats like me. I took part in last year's demonstrations against Syria. I was a critic of Hizbullah. Now I cannot help but support Hizbullah's fighters who are defending our country.” What about Hizbullah's rocket attacks on Haifa? “It's right,” she replied. “It's not only Lebanese who should have to suffer. Are human rights available only to Israelis? You can't have winter and summer on the same roof.” »
Mis en ligne le 28 juillet 2006 à 09H25