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693Il semble que les chances de ratification du traité START-II par le Sénat US soient bien minces. Si l’on croit ces déclarations du sénateur Lieberman, rapportées par The Hill le 11 avril 2010… (Lien.)
«Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) said the administration may have problems getting the START treaty signed last week ratified in the Senate.
»Lieberman said he'd arrived at his belief on the vote tally falling short after conversations with colleagues over the congressional recess.
»"I don't believe that there will be 67 votes to ratify the START treaty unless the administration does two things," Liberman said on "Fox News Sunday." "First, commit to modernize our nuclear stockpile so as we have less nuclear weapons we know they're capable, if, God forbid, we need them; and secondly, to make absolutely clear that some of the statements by Russian President Medvedev at the signing in Prague that seem to suggest that if we continue to build the ballistic missile defense in Europe that they may pull out of this treaty -- they're just unacceptable to us.
»"We need that defense to protect our allies and ourselves from Iran," Lieberman said.»
Jacques Laubion