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629L’“attentat” manqué de Times Square, à New York, soulève, comme l’observe Paul Woodward dans War in Context ce 3 mai 2010, “plus de curiosité que de peur”. Les conditions de l’attentat, les circonstances, etc., font penser à un travail d’amateur. D’où une certaine incrédulité pas très loin du soupçon chez Woodward lorsqu’il rapporte que les talibans pakistanais revendiquent l’attentat, en même temps que les circonstances inattendues qui accompagnèrent les suites de l’attentat.
«Any event that can be described as an act of terrorism will no doubt provoke some level of alarm, but the incendiary device that fizzed in Times Square apparently provoked as much curiosity as fear.
»Taj Heniser from Seattle, who couldn’t get to see the show, “Next to Normal,” because 45th St had been blocked, told the New York Times that watching New York’s emergency services deal with the thwarted attack was a different kind of show. “It’s almost the equivalent of a $150 show,” she said.
»If Taliban leaders in Pakistan were picking up that kind of response, I think they might have thought twice about claiming responsibility for what has universally been described as an amateurish effort…»
Tout cela apparaissant fort étrange et inhabituel par rapport aux habituelles réactions accompagnant tout acte qu’on soupçonne d’être de terrorisme, Paul Woodward avance donc son hypothèse sur l’événement lui-même. Il termine donc en citant Tea Party, bien plus que les talibans pakistanais.
»…President Obama did not rush back to the Situation Room in the White House to closely monitor events at the first indication that America could be under attack. Likewise the media saw no reason to interrupt their merrymaking.
»So, pretty much everything went according to plan — or so the bomber imagines, perhaps.
»Now he’s trying to figure out why America is not reeling in shock and anger having witnessed the complacency of its government and the complicity of the media.
»All speculation at this point, but if I was to place a bet on who did this, I’d go with someone whose sympathies are probably more Tea Party than Taliban.
»The first lead fits the profile: white male in his 40s.»