Tripoli est-il dans les mains d’al Qaïda ?

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Tripoli est-il dans les mains d’al Qaïda ?

Selon Pépé Escobar, le chef rebelle qui est devenu le commandant de facto de la ville de Tripoli, Abdelhakim Belhadj, est un homme qu’on peut considérer comme proche d’al Qaïda, sinon plus encore.

Russia Today a interviewé, ce 27 août 2011, Pépé Escobar qui se trouve au Brésil.

«According to Escobar, Abdelhakim Belhadj, who commanded a military offensive in Libya over the weekend, has become the de facto commander of the Tripoli armed forces. Belhadj has also, says Escobar, was trained in Afghanistan by a “very hardcore Islamist Libyan group.”

»Escobar says that Taliban-linked sources overseas have confirmed Belhadj as the new commander. In the aftermath of 9/11, the CIA began tracking Belhadj, who was eventually captured in Malaysia in 2003. Escobar says that he was then tortured in Bangkok before being transferred back to Libya and imprisoned. He made a deal that allowed for his release in 2009 and as of this week is the military commander of Tripoli.

»“I can say almost for sure with 95 percent certainty that this is the guy,” Escobar confirms.»