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1327USS Carl Vinson ou pas, il semble bien que Washington D.C., avec Trump en tête des troupes, ne tienne nullement à desserrer son étreinte sur la Corée du Nord. Le Kim en fonction nous a annoncé il y a quelques temps que la Corée du Nord allait effectuer un essai nucléaire ; les USA ont annoncé ou dans tous les cas laissé entendre, pour justifier leur politique belliciste contre la Corée du Nord, qu’il était inacceptable que la Corée du Nord effectuât cet essai. Depuis, nous avons eu les épisodes de pseudo “tension” avec la croisière étrange du USS Carl Vinson.
Cette fois, les choses prennent une autre allure, plus solennelle, du point de vue de la communication certainement. Il y a l’étonnante initiative décidée de réunir demain l’entièreté du Sénat (cent parlementaires) à la Maison-Blanche, pour une communication du président Trump, avec l’aide désintéressée du président du Comité des Chefs d’État-Major, le général Dunford. Le Congrès est actuellement en vacances et cette réunion complètement exceptionnelle et sans précédent résulte, dit-on, d’une demande du chef de la majorité du Sénat, le républicain McConnell, et nullement d’une idée excentrique du président Trump.
Du point de vue français, si la crise nord-coréenne se précipitait soudain, on se trouverait à nouveau dans une situation inédite, celle d’une très grande tension internationale au moment d’une élection présidentielle, avant ou après l’élection, au moment du passage des pouvoirs, et alors que s’ouvre la perspective des élections législatives. On observera que, sur le plan international cela a fort peu d’importance, en raison de l’inexistence complète de la diplomatie française à laquelle nous sommes parvenus, hors le suivisme bloc-BAO. Sur le plan intérieur de la situation électorale, la question est de savoir si quelqu’un s’apercevra de quelque chose.
Ci-dessous, Alexander Mercouris termine son texte en s’interrogeant sur le fait de savoir s’il faut ou non s’alarmer à propos d’une possible escalade militaire, qu’il juge lui-même assez probable en cas d’essai nucléaire à cause des engagements extrêmes pris du côté US. Mercouris juge assez justement que la “dramatisation” engagée par cette réunion risque de créer une dynamique propre, qui impliquerait la possibilité grandissante d’un conflit.
«... There has to be concern that this briefing is preparatory to the White House seeking authorisation for military action. The fact that General Joseph Dunford, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, will be attending the briefing, points strongly to that likelihood, and suggests that military options against North Korea will be discussed during the briefing.
» Against that it has to be said that the President hosted a lunch in Washington of the UN Security Council ambassadors on Monday, including obviously those of China and Russia. During that lunch he made the following comments : “The status quo in North Korea is also unacceptable, and the Council must be prepared to impose additional and stronger sanctions on North Korean nuclear and ballistic missile programs. This is a real threat to the world, whether we want to talk about it or not. North Korea is a big world problem, and it’s a problem we have to finally solve. People have put blindfolds on for decades, and now it’s time to solve the problem.”
» That suggests that the President is heeding China’s warning and is still looking for diplomatic action, with his priority being to get the UN Security Council to impose further sanctions against North Korean after these have been agreed by the administration with the Russians and the Chinese. If so then that suggests that military action has not been decided on yet. Putting all the known facts together, what is possibly the most likely explanation for this strange move is that after their long slumber some members of the Senate and of the Congress, as they return to Washington after the recess, are finally starting to signal their concern, and the President and his advisers are seeking by briefing them in the White House both to bring them onside and to send a strong signal to the North Koreans and the Chinese.
» However if one thing is now clear about this President, it is that it is impossible to predict his actions with any confidence. Moreover even if the intention is merely to keep the Senate onside during a period of growing tension in the Korean Peninsula whilst at the same time sending a strong signal to the North Koreans and the Chinese, the mere fact of briefing the full Senate in the White House – and of regaling the Senators with what will undoubtedly be flesh-creeping talk of North Korean nuclear bombs and missiles raining down on the US – risks creating a momentum of its own. It is bound to heighten talk of war, and of the need for a pre-emptive US strike to prevent what many of the Senators will no doubt see as a ‘clear and present danger’ from North Korea to the US. That in turn is bound to make the possibility of a military strike more likely.
» What that unfortunately means is that we are a further step closer to a US military strike against North Korea, even if that is not what the President intends at the moment. The next few days will be extremely tense, and the situation is now very dangerous. Much will depend on whether or not there is a North Korean nuclear test over the next few days. If there is one, it is difficult to see how the President can draw back without losing face. It is nonetheless to be sincerely hoped that he does. However, one way or the other, by holding a Senate briefing in the White House, the President has just made pulling back harder as he closes off his options for retreat. »
Mis en ligne le 26 avril 2017 à 12H12