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974L’affaire de l’inspection des aéroports pour prévenir d’éventuelles attaques terroristes, ou découvrir des suspects de terrorisme, ou lutter contre la terreur en général, ou exorciser la terreur des terroristes, ou n’importe quoi d’autre dans le genre, – bref, l’“affaire TSA” prend des proportions extraordinaires aux USA. La TSA, c’est la Transportation Security Adminstration, chargée notamment dans les aéroports des “fouilles corporelles“ qui s’étendent, – façon de parler, – jusqu’au “toucher génital” que certains juristes estiment pouvoir assimiler à la notion de “sexual assault”. L’affaire affecte même le Congrès, avec une intervention furieuse et un projet de loi de Ron Paul. La TSA, comme toute bureaucratie devenue folle (destin classique de toute bureaucratie), affirme qu’elle ne transigera sur rien et prévoit des mesures et amendes exorbitantes pour ceux qui refusent ses procédures de contrôle. (Voir notamment la synthèse de Jason Ditz, sur, ce 20 novembre 2010.)
A lire, à ce propos, un article d’une personne peu suspecte d’anti-américanisme, si l'on en juge d'après ses remarques pompeuses sur la grandeur de l’American Dream, Gary Shapiro, président et CEO de la Consumer Electronics Association, qui regroupe plus de 2.000 entreprises de technologies avancées. (Sur Huffington.Post, ce 19 novembre 2010. On trouve également dans le texte la vidéo de l’intervention de Ron Paul.)
«Shortly after the September 11 terrorist attacks, with steely resolve, we worked together to make sure the terrorists did not win. We got back on airplanes, went shopping, and went to war. Our nation united as we hadn't since the 1963 assassination of President Kennedy.
»But I wonder if the 2001 attacks, while at first uniting us, set us on a path which is robbing us of our greatness. Put another way, are our efforts to prevent terrorism hurting us in many other ways? I think so.
»Apparently I am not alone. This week, Congressman Ron Paul, took to the floor of the House of Representatives to decry the intrusive pat downs of airline passengers by Transportation Security Administration (TSA) airport personnel. The YouTube video of this Congressional speech not only received some 100,000 views but even more amazingly 100 times as many viewers scored it with “like” compared to the few who voted “dislike.“
»Since when do Americans respond so strongly and near unanimously to a floor speech by a relatively controversial Member of Congress? Representative Paul struck a chord with Americans frustrated that we have given up so much because of the 2001 terrorism. It's not that the TSA security agents are not doing their best to do their job – it's that we have become stupid.
»When Midwestern grandmothers and eight-year-old boys get genital pat downs, the terrorists have won. When we target every traveler and don't screen based on the probability of a person being a terrorist like the Israelis do, then the terrorists have won.
»But it's not just about the inconveniences of travel and the phenomenal costs and delays caused by these demographically blind security techniques. We have hurt our country since 2001 by shutting our borders to the best and brightest students who used to clamor to attend our universities, to the highly educated and the wealthy immigrants who create jobs and to entrepreneurs worldwide who used to come here to live the American Dream.
»Moreover, we hurt our heavy equipment manufacturing businesses when international customers cannot get visas to inspect equipment, we hurt our small companies using U.S. trade shows to sell internationally when we deny foreign buyers visas, and we hurt job creation when we discourage business from being done in the United States…»