Un démocrate favori des républicains…

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Un démocrate favori des républicains…

En son temps, dedefensa avait parlé du Représentant démocrate de Floride Alan Grayson, l’homme qui cherchait où étaient passés $9.000 milliards de l'argent public et qui voulait contrer une décision de la Cour Suprême.

(Voir les liens http://www.dedefensa.org/article-z_avez_pas_vu_mes_9000_milliards_26_06_2009.html et http://www.dedefensa.org/article-l_ombre_de_la_cour_supreme_26_01_2010.html.)

Eh bien, Grayson recueille les fruits de sa popularité de populiste, notamment chez… les républicains ! Actuellement, Grayson est désigné comme favori par un sondage du 26 février auprès d’électeurs républicains de son district de Floride, dans la perspective des primaires pour désigner le candidat républicain dans ce district, – premier avec 27% des voix, devant 13 républicains. C’est une sacrée indication de la confusion aujourd’hui aux USA.

Voir sur Huffington.post, le 4 mars 2010, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/03/04/grayson-leading-in-republ_n_486090.html.

«Republicans like a politician who stands up for what he believes – even if he believes the Republican Party is populated by a bunch of “knuckle-dragging Neanderthals.”

»The candidate leading the Florida GOP primary to determine who will take on Rep. Alan Grayson, the Democrat who represents the Orlando-based district, is none other than Grayson himself, according to a poll paid for by his campaign. Grayson is a freshman congressman who has drawn scorn from the GOP and has quickly built a nationwide following of progressives.

»The poll has Grayson leading the 13 Republicans -– among Republicans – with 27.8 percent of the vote. The congressman who mocked the GOP health care plan by saying that it amounts to telling people not to get sick and if they do, to die quickly, received more support than all of the Republican candidates combined.

»No GOP candidate scored above 3.7 percent; 57.7 percent said they were undecided. Grayson did particularly well with women, undercutting the notion that referring to a Washington lobbyist as a “K Street whore” would turn female voters away. (Grayson later apologized for the word choice.)…»

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