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581Le quotidien norvégien Aftenposten, qui dispose de tous les câbles diplomatiques US (250.000) récupérés par WikiLeaks, est devenu une source intéressante de la diffusion distillée de ces Wiki-câbles. L’un des derniers en date, embarrassant une fois de plus pour l’Allemagne, a conduit à la démission du président directeur général de la firme allemande de construction de satellites OHB.
EUObserver publie un article sur cette affaire ce 18 janvier 2011. On notera que, fort curieusement, ou bien ajoutant crédit à des informations tendancieuses remontant aux années 1970 (sur l’emploi et les objectifs des missiles nucléaires sol-sol à courte portée français Pluton), le dirigeant d’OHB qui dénonce le programme Galileo comme une machination française, ressort dans sa conversation avec ses interlocuteurs US l’idée que des missiles nucléaires français sont pré-programmés pour des objectifs à Berlin même…
«On Monday (17 January) the board of German satellite firm OHB Technology sacked Mr Berry Smutny after last week's release of the diplomatic cable containing the remarks caused consternation. […]
»“I think Galileo is a stupid idea that primarily serves French interests,” Mr Smutny reportedly told US diplomats, according to the October 2009 cable from the US embassy in Berlin, obtained by WikiLeaks and released by Norwegian daily Aftenposten.
»Mr Smutny's firm was jointly awarded a €566 million contract to develop 14 satellites for the Galileo system, originally forecast to cost €3.4 billion but recently reported to be heading for a final bill closer to €20 billion.
»The project, due to become operational in 2014, is a “waste of EU taxpayers' money”, Mr Smutny is documented as saying. “He claimed the EU desire to develop a redundant but alternative to GPS was spearheaded by the French after an incident during the Kosovo conflict when the US military ‘manipulated’ GPS to support military operations,” the cable read.
»“Since this time, he said France has aggressively corralled EU support to invest in Galileo development – something Smutny said France wants to ensure their missile guidance systems are free of any GPS reliance. Smutny added, the irony for German investment in Galileo is that some of France's nuclear missiles are aimed at Berlin,” it continued.
»<Approached by Aftenposten to comment on the cable, the former CEO conceded that he had met US officials but denied making the remarks. In as statement on Monday however, the supervisory board of OHB Technology said it had “passed a unanimous resolution to revoke Mr Smutny's appointment”.
»Other unrelated sackings caused by the WikiLeaks cables include the former chief of staff to Germany's vice-chancellor Guido Westerwelle, accused of spying for the Americans…»
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