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550Le Daily Telegraph relève une intervention du général Jalmes Jones, patron du NSC, lors d’une interview à CNN. Jones déclare qu’Obama pourrait éventuellement rencontrer Ahmadinejad, à la suite d’une question suivant la remarque d'il y a quelques jours, d'Ahmadinejad, selon laquelle il serait prêt à rencontrer BHO… En septembre à New York, pour la session spéciale de l’ONU? Mais le quotidien reste très circonspect.
Le lien pour le Telegraph du 11 août 2010.
«Barack Obama’s national security adviser, Gen James Jones, has indicated the President may be prepared to meet Mahmoud Ahmadinejad if the regime resumed negotiations over its nuclear programme.
»The retired general also indicated that the return of three American hikers held in Iran for the past year would be an “important gesture”.
»Earlier this month, Mr Ahmadinejad requested face-to-face talks with Mr Obama during the UN General Assembly meeting in New York. The White House had appeared to rule out any meeting. […]
»When asked whether Mr Obama may meet the Iranian leader, Gen Jones said: “Ultimately if we find a convergence of paths all things are possible.
»“One thing they might do is return our three hikers. That would be an important gesture. It could lead to better relations.” However, the President’s national security adviser said there would be “no point in a theatrical meeting.” It is unlikely that the Iranians will agree to the American’s demands as the regime has repeatedly circumvented previous attempts to rein in its nuclear programme.»
“Vieux Rebelle”