USA-Turquie : situation électorale et lobby israélien

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USA-Turquie : situation électorale et lobby israélien

Pour compléter les divers textes que nous avons publiés sur la querelle entre les USA et la Turquie concernant le vote sur la résolution sur le “génocide” arménien, un texte de Jim Lobe du 5 mars 2010 sur IPSNews donne notamment, parmi d’autres informations, des indications sur la situation électorale US (citoyens d’origine arménienne) et sur le rôle du Lobby (le lobby israélien AIPAC).

Il faut noter l’affirmation que l’AIPAC, jusqu’alors très favorable à la position turque, l’a cette fois désertée. Cela constitue une évolution parfaitement en ligne avec l’évolution des relations entre Israël et la Turquie, et leur tension grandissante. Cela implique que l’affaire de la résolution sur le “génocide” aura certainement, également, des effets, du côté turc, sur les relations avec Israël.

«…At least half a million U.S. citizens, many of them concentrated in the electorally powerful state of California, claim Armenian ancestry.

»The Armenian-American community, which is among the wealthiest and best-organised of the many U.S. ethnic minorities, has long sought recognition of the 1915 death toll as a genocide. In 1975 and again in 1984, it succeeded in getting such resolutions passed by the House, although never in the Senate.

»In 2007, the Foreign Affairs committee approved a similar “génocide” resolution. However, it was never referred to the floor of the House due to intense opposition by the administration of President George W. Bush backed by the powerful “Israel Lobby”, which has frequently intervened in Congress on behalf since the late 1980s when Ankara and Israel began building a strategic alliance.

»But Israeli-Turkish ties have become increasingly strained in recent years, particularly since Israel's “Cast Lead” military campaign in Gaza, which Erdogan strongly denounced in a heated exchange with Israeli President Shimon Peres at the World Economic Forum in late January last year, just days after the offensive had ended.

»A number of subsequent incidents, most recently the apparently deliberate televised humiliation in January by Israel's deputy foreign minister of Ankara's ambassador in Tel Aviv, have added to the strains.

»Indeed, some analysts here and in Turkey suggested that the resolution's passage was due as much to the Israel Lobby's failure to oppose it, as to the Obama administration's delay in coming out against it. Several key lawmakers who are considered close to the Lobby, notably Gary Ackerman, Brad Sherman, and committee chair Howard Berman, spoke in favour of its approval.

»“In the past, the pro-Israel community has lobbied hard against previous attempts to pass similar resolutions, citing warnings from Turkish officials that it could harm the alliance not only with the United States but with Israel...,” noted the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) Friday.

»“In the last year or so, however, officials of American pro-Israel groups have said that while they will not support new resolutions, they will no longer oppose them, citing Turkey's heightened rhetorical attacks on Israel and a flourishing of outright anti-Semitism the government has done little to stem,” it asserted.»


«Some sectors, particularly those most closely associated with Israel here, have become increasingly concerned about Turkey's growing orientation toward the Muslim world under Erdogan, who heads the Islamist Justice and Development Party (AKP), in both its foreign and domestic policies.

»Indeed, neo-conservatives, whose views often reflect those of Israel's Likud Party, have been attacking Erdogan and the AKP with growing fervour in recent months, accusing them of a systematic effort to weaken Turkey's traditionally secular institutions, notably the once-dominant armed forces.

»In a column coincidentally published Friday by the neo-conservative Wall Street Journal Friday, Soner Cagaptay, a Turkish-born specialist at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), accused Erdogan of transforming Turkey into a “police state”.

»At the same time, hard-line neo-conservatives, such as the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) and the Journal's editorial board, opposed the genocide resolution precisely because of fears that it will serve only to further poison bilateral relations with a country whose geo-strategic importance to Washington and its Israeli ally is simply too great.»

Il faut noter également que Haaretz du 6 mars 2010, relayant des informations de la publication arabe de Londres Al-Quds Al-Arabi, affirme que le lobby israélien a joué un rôle essentiel dans le passage de la résolution de la commission de la Chambre.