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785John Bolton, fameux ancien ambassadeur US à l’ONU et réputé pour se situer à l’extrême droite de la droite des neocons, vient de faire des déclarations enflammées : Israël n’a plus que huit jours, peut-être même trois seulement, pour attaquer l’Iran, – sinon il sera trop tard.
Selon le rapport de Huffington.News le 17 août 2010:
«…As Bolton told the Fox Business Network: “Once that uranium, once those fuel rods are very close to the reactor, certainly once they're in the reactor, attacking it means a release of radiation, no question about it. So if Israel is going to do anything against Bushehr it has to move in the next eight days.”
»Bolton reportedly reiterated the point on Israel Radio Tuesday, this time saying that Israel had a mere “three days” to strike Iran's nuclear reactor. Bolton also told Jerusalem Post Tuesday that “this is a very, very big victory for Iran.”
»However, when pressed on whether or not he actually anticipated Israeli forces launching an attack, Bolton seemed skeptical. “I do not think so, I fear that Israel has lost this opportunity,” Bolton said.»
Jason Ditz, sur, reprend l’information ce 18 août 2010. Après avoir mentionné les exhortations de Bolton, il précise :
«So what’s the rush? This weekend Russia will begin to load uranium fuel into the Bushehr nuclear power plant, the first stage in preparing it for launch. This fact has nothing to do with any nominal threat posed by Iran, even rhetorically, as the plant is designed purely for energy generation. But Bushehr isn’t just a nuclear power plant, it is also a city of nearly 200,000 people along the Persian Gulf, and surrounded by a comparatively populous province along the coast… […]
»An attack on Iran would have to be done under the guise of targeting its nuclear assets, and that would have to include the most important asset of all, the Bushehr power plant. But the targeting of this plant would spread radioactive material across the immediate vicitinity, putting hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians at serious risk.
»Attacks on operating nuclear power plants thus are unconscionable large-scale attacks on civilians, and would spark an enormous level of international condemnation on whoever launched the attack.
»Even this first stage in launching Bushehr would put the target virtually out of reach, which is why the US reacted so negatively to the news that it was pending. The threat to attack becomes infinitely less credible next week, which also means that, if Israeli or US officials are bound and determined to start a war, they may be obliged to do so in the next few days, for convenience sake if nothing else.»