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439Le professeur Robert A. Pape, de l’université de Chicago, continue son travail sur les motivations des suicides dans le cadre de la guerre contre la terreur (label occidental). On sait que l’explication officielle, acceptée par l’immense majorité des intellectuels occidentaux, est qu’il s’agit là de la marque ultime du fanatisme et de la barbarie. Inlassablement, Pape démontre scientifiquement le contraire, par ses enquêtes, ses explications et ses analyses des témoignages.
Nous (Occidentaux) continuons à tressaillir d’horreur et à signer des pétitions et des articles vengeurs contre le suicidé chaque fois qu’il y a un de ces suicides. Tout se déroule conformément à notre conformisme, dans l’une des plus constantes preuves de fermeture de notre esprit que nous donnions dans l’époque présente. Il est peu de cas si éclatant où la vertu de la tolérance est proclamée avec une intolérance aussi grande. C’est tout nous (les Occidentaux et nos intellectuels).
Dans son plus récent article (notamment dans le Chicago Tribune du 11 septembre et sur le site du CATO Institute, le 12 septembre), Pape poursuit son travail en nous faisant part de ses constats quant aux motifs de militants d’Al Qaïda.
«There is no better way to understand the enemy than to listen to how it recruits new suicide bombers to kill us. In July, Al Qaeda released its most recent recruitment video, encouraging Muslims to carry out new attacks similar to the July 7 bombings in London last year. The video is stunning in its absence of religious declamation.
»The first speaker is Shehzad Tanweer, one of the actual 7/7 bombers, who explains that he intended to punish “the non-Muslims of Britain” because “your government has openly supported the genocide of over 15,000 innocent Muslims in Fallujah,” the site of a major Western military operation in Iraq in 2004.
»The second speaker is Ayman Al-Zawahiri, Al Qaeda's second in command, who reiterates that “Shehzad's motivation was the repression which the British are perpetrating in Iraq” and other Muslim countries.
»Finally, the main event: Adam Gadahn, a 28-year old American citizen, born of Jewish and Christian parents, who converted to Islam as a teenager and has lived with Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan since 1998. Gadahn is the new voice — and new weapon — of Al Qaeda. In his long recruitment appeal, he never mentions 72 virgins or the benefits Islamic martyrs receive in Heaven. Instead, he speaks to an earthly motive: revenge for Western military atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan.
»“I know[Western combat forces] killed and maimed civilians in their strikes because I've seen it with my own eyes ... I've carried the victims in my arms: women, children, toddlers, babies in their mother's wombs,” Gadahn says. “When we bomb their cities and civilians like they bomb ours, or destroy their infrastructure and means of transportation like they destroy ours ... they should blame no one but themselves. Because they are the ones who started this dirty war and they are the ones who will end it ... by pulling out of our region and keeping their hands out of our affairs.”
»To make sense of Al Qaeda's campaign against the United States and its allies, I compiled data on the 71 terrorists who took their own lives carrying out attacks sponsored by Osama bin Laden's network between 1995 and 2004. These men are drawn from two groups: those who feel harmed and humiliated by foreign military occupation, and those who identify with the plight of a kindred ethnic group under foreign occupation.»
Mis en ligne le 13 septembre 2006 à 12H26