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678C’est en effet le titre surprenant du Washington Times du 28 juin, titre qu’il faut savourer : « Pentagon toasts Iraq victories ». L’article est construit autour de l’idée que le Pentagone a remporté, en cinq jours pas un de plus, une victoire décisive, — disons, plutôt “concernant l’Irak” qu’“en Irak”.
En effet, il s’agit d’une victoire de type “relations publiques”. D’ailleurs, après tout, ce sont les seules victoires qui comptent à Washington. Les G.I.’s qui meurent, les Irakiens qui crèvent, ce n’est pas vraiment leur truc.
« The Pentagon yesterday wrapped up a five-day public-relations offensive against critics of the Iraq war as a prelude to President Bush's speech to the nation tonight on why Baghdad matters in the war on Islamic terrorists.
» Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, flanked by Army Gen. George Casey, his top commander in Iraq, appeared in the Pentagon press room yesterday to repeat a message he began giving on Thursday before the Senate and House Armed Services committees.
» ''The suggestion of those who say we are losing,'' Mr. Rumsfeld said, ''or that we're in a quagmire, seems to be that, as long as there's violence in Iraq, that the conclusion must be that insurgents are winning. Not so.''
» ''I honestly believe that this insurgency is going to be defeated by the Iraqi people, and not by coalition countries and not by the United States,'' Mr. Rumsfeld said. ''Our task is to give them, the Iraqi peoples, an environment within which they can do that.'' »
Mis en ligne le 28 juin 2005 à 14H05