Washington: la Grèce nous pend au nez

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Washington: la Grèce nous pend au nez

Une déclaration du chef de la majorité démocrate à la Chambre des Représentants US: le sort de la Grèce peut aussi bien nous arriver, ici, à Washington…

Cela paraît aussi bien une manœuvre pour aider Obama à tenter de réunir une coalition démocrates-républicains pour lutter contre le déficit, notamment en augmentant les impôts, que l’appréciation qu’une menace bien réelle. Les deux explications sont valables et ne s’excluent pas. Pour la deuxième, la question est: qui viendra au secours des USA si les USA connaissent le sort de la Grèce ?

(Lien pour AFP, le 1er mars 2010 : http://rawstory.com/2010/03/hoyer-greek-debt-crisis/.)

«The United States must embrace a blend of tax increases and spending cuts to rein in its deficit or face a potentially crippling debt crisis like the one in Greece, a top US lawmaker warned Monday.

»“It is enough to look across the Atlantic at Greece's extreme economic crisis and understand: It can happen here. If we don't change course, it will happen here,” said Democratic House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer.

»Hoyer, a close White House ally, said Democrats and Republicans in the US Congress must take the politically tough decisions needed to deflate the ballooning US deficit and tackle record-high US debt.

»“It seems to me that the only solution that can win the support of both parties is a balanced approach: one that cuts some spending and raises some revenue while avoiding extremes in either direction,” he said.

»Hoyer noted that President Barack Obama has created a special commission to help put Washington's fiscal house in order, a step some critics say amounts to admitting lawmakers cannot make tough decisions they were elected to make.

»“The real work of cutting deficits is so easy to demagogue that it rarely succeeds, and will not succeed this time, without support from both sides,” he said in remarks prepared for delivery to the Brookings Institution think tank.»

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