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1114Ci-après, nous reproduisons un dialogue par courriel aux Etats-Unis (28 mars 2005) que nous a fait parvenir un proche, entre des citoyens intéressés par la marche de leurs affaires nationales. Il s’agit de l’attitude de certains pharmaciens, disons “religieusement concernés”, par rapport à la vente de médicaments contraceptifs. Les participants au dialogue sont laissés anonymes, l’identification n’apportant rien et les textes du dialogue parlant d’eux-mêmes.
Premier message : ”Some pharmacies are hiring non-pro-choice or non fundamentalist religious pharmacists to work alongside the pharmacists who refuse to dispense these birth control meds.”
Deuxième message : “Sadly, this is quite true. This article was on the front page of the Washington Post yesterday.” (lien vers l’article)
Troisième message: “Hey — I don't know how true this is, but wouldn't you believe anything these days?”
Quatrième message : “Hello all,
“Sorry for the mass mailing but this one has me all fired up! There is a growing trend for pharmacists to refuse to fill prescriptions for contraception — this includes the 'morning after' pill (emergency contraception) and even standard birth control pills — based solely on personal beliefs about the morality of such reproductive choices. And in as many as 20 states this is considered legal!
”For those of us who live in highly populated areas it may not seem like a big deal to simply go to another pharmacy. But for women in rural areas or low-income women who need to pay for transportation while 'pharmacy shopping' this can be an enormous obstacle. The more women are denied access to contraception, the more unwanted pregnancies will occur and the need for abortions will rise. Pharmacists have no business assuming moral authority and denying women access to reproductive health care options chosen through discussions with their doctors.
“Join me in taking action at NARAL Pro-Choice America to stop them. Click here to tell our nation's biggest pharmacies (Wal-Mart, CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreen's, and Eckerd's) not to stand between a woman and her physician:”
Cinquième message : “We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad.”
Mis en ligne le 4 avril 2005 à 09H28