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Dominique Larchey-Wendling


Bonne année 2009 à dedefensa.

de la duplicité franco-egyptienne

_ python


dans le monde virtuel, quand on vous dit qu’on va “ouvrir les frontières”, c’est qu’on va fermer à triple tour les frontières. C’est le plan de Abbas et Dayan, avec l’aide de notre Sarko et par l’entremise de Moubarak.
C’est un peu ce que dit le Hezbollah, mais c’est sûrement plus juste encore dans ce que disait déjà depuis hier (avant qu’on sache pour les paramilitaires de Dayan), le lien VoltaireNet :

ce qui explique pourquoi Le Caire maintient obstinément fermée l’entrée à Gaza des aides médicales, médecins et soignants. La méthode USA contre les sioux (les répartir dans des camps, sous contrôle et jusqu’à extinction) , preuve du manque total d’imagination de ce pays, est allé séduire les israeliens, les blair, les sarko, mais aussi les dictateurs arabes et les corrompus par bush

plan voué à l’échec, parce que déjà décodé par les populations. Mais pas encore par ici

Après les banques, les Etats ?

Les Raisins De la folie


Sans commentaires:

Spain hit by public finance warning

By David Oakley in London and Victor Mallet in Madrid
Published: January 12 2009 18:01 | Last updated: January 12 2009 20:52

The growing dangers for Europe’s sharply slowing economies were highlighted yesterday as Spain became the third eurozone country to be warned over its deteriorating public finances in the space of three days.

Standard & Poor’s, the rating agency, said Spain’s top-notch triple A credit ratings could be downgraded because of pressure on its public finances after it entered what is likely to be a deep recession in the fourth quarter. On Friday, Greece and Ireland were also warned by the agency that their ratings could be downgraded as economic conditions worsen. The warning is likely to help drive up borrowing costs for those countries.

The euro weakened against the dollar and the yen after the announcement, which underlined the challenges facing European countries seeking to stimulate their battered economies and pay for bank bail-outs. Analysts say other European countries could face warnings in the coming days or weeks as governments take on record debt levels, which could jeopardise the sustainability of their public finances.

Meyrick Chapman, fixed income strategist at UBS, said: “This shows the difficulties these economies are facing with big current account deficits and deteriorating finances. Other countries may face similar problems.”

Debt-laden Italy, with a debt-to-gross domestic product ratio of 104 per cent, and Portugal, with a current account deficit of 12 per cent, are expected to face warnings soon. The UK could be in danger as its collapsing housing market defies hopes of recovery.

The bond markets have in effect been warning of dangers of rising debt levels, with government bond issuance expected to soar above €1,000bn in Europe in 2009 – nearly double that of last year. Since last summer, German bonds have sharply outperformed the rest of Europe.

The gap in bond yields between the benchmark German bunds and the sovereign debt of Spain, Greece, Ireland, Italy and Portugal has risen fourfold since July to levels not seen since the launch of the euro in January 1999. This is in spite of the fact that bond yields have fallen for all countries since last year’s peaks in July as worries about deflation have prompted investors to buy government paper.

In Spain the financing of government debt was barely more expensive than in Germany a year ago but by yesterday the 10-year bond spread between the two had reached more than 92 basis points, or nearly a full percentage point – a record since the launch of the single currency.

S&P said it had placed its triple A ratings for Spain’s long-term foreign and local currency debt on “credit watch with negative implications”, which means the rating could shortly be downgraded, because of “the significant challenges facing the Spanish economy as it traverses a period of very weak growth”.

Additional reporting by Ralph Atkins in Frankfurt

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Cessez-feu à Gaza

Arthur Borges


Il arrivera le jour où le Phosphorocauste aura fini par éclipser l’Holocauste.