
Article : Aux armes, citoyens-soldats …

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Aux armes citoyens-soldats



Si vous ne l’avez déjà vue, on trouve sur Thomas Paine’s Corner, une initiative de West Point contre la guerre :

U.S. Service Academy Graduates Unite Against Illegal Iraq War

Join Anti-War West Pointers in New Organization

New York – (October 25, 2006) – The overwhelming response by alumni of United States service academies to the anti-war efforts of West Point Graduates Against the War ( has resulted in a combined arms organization of former and current land, sea, and air officers united against the war in Iraq. The new organization, Service Academy Graduates Against the War (, was established by three West Pointers, William Cross, James Ryan, and Joseph Wojcik, all 1962 USMA graduates and cofounders of the former organization. They were joined in the new endeavor by Dud Hendrick, a 1963 United States Naval Academy graduate and Terry Symens-Bucher, an alumnus of the United States Air Force Academy, class of 1975.

The new grassroots organization calls on graduates of all service academies to speak out against the destruction of the honor of the United States and the dissipation of its military caused by the deceitful policies of the present administration. It also calls for the impeachment of the president of the United States for high crimes and misdemeanors.

The founding alumni and their fellow service academy graduate members, instilled with the service academy codes of honor, believe a fundamental respect for truth is a basic and lifelong attribute of character. To that end, they have united to speak out against the deceitful behavior of the government of the United States and its widely known malefactors. At issue is the lying, cheating, stealing, delivering evasive statements and quibbling which has put vast numbers of innocent people in deadly peril and disgracefully diminished the integrity of the United States.

“660,000 people slaughtered,” said James Ryan, “and still no one in the US government is held accountable for this crime against humanity.” The new web site painstakingly documents the illegality of the assault on Iraq, and documents the lies and subterfuge perpetrated by the president of the United States and his subordinates.

“All service academy grads should be concerned about the illegality of orders premised on the lies of the president,” said Dud Hendrick, US Naval Academy graduate. “We also serve to protect our fighting men and women from being subject to illegal and immoral orders.”

Membership in Service Academy Graduates Against the War is open to all alumni of United States service academies, as well as widows, widowers, parents, children, and grandchildren of deceased graduates. Non-graduates may enroll as “Honor Guard” supporters.


Aux armes mes Lobbys : Taux directeur FED gelé, pétrole manipulé à la baisse, Wall Street "dopé"

Lambrechts Francis


... Wall Street traduit un communiqué final relativement équilibré en l’espoir d’une prochaine baisse des taux si le prix du pétrole et des matières premières continuait de refluer. Nous faisons le pari que le tableau apparaîtra fort différent d’ici le 7 novembre ; le lobby pétrolier, qui soutient de façon inconditionnelle l’administration Bush, aura alors cessé de maintenir artificiellement une pression baissière sur le cours du baril via les marchés dérivés (sur lesquels il exerce un contrôle sans partage, avec la complicité active des hedge funds, qui excellent à naviguer dans le sens des vents dominants).

Les consommateurs américains ne tarderont pas à découvrir quel est le véritable “prix marché”... Ils s’apercevront aussi que ce mois d’octobre boursier est tellement fabuleux (il se solde par la plus forte hausse mensuelle observée depuis octobre 2003, et le plus grand nombre de séances de hausse depuis le début du 21ème siècle !) qu’il ne peut résulter que d’une volonté inflexible de doper la confiance des électeurs/consommateurs durant la période cruciale préparatoire au renouvellement partiel du Sénat américain. Panem et circenses font toujours recette !

Mais n’oubliez pas qu’il faudra commencer à démonter le chapiteau le 8 novembre aux premières lueurs de l’aube sur les marchés asiatiques. Nous ne serions pas étonnés que certains artistes, déçus du montant de la recette de la soirée précédente, laissent malencontreusement ouverte la porte de la cage aux fauves ! ( Philippe Béchade, 26 oct.2006 )