
Article : Ca y est, c’est fait : National City, Californie, a fait sécession

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U.S. border city declares itself sanctuary for illegal immigrants

Monday, October 2, 2006 at 07:11 EDT

SAN DIEGO — A southern California city on the Mexican border declared itself a sanctuary for illegal immigrants on Saturday, prohibiting local authorities from collaborating with federal immigration officials.

City council members in National City, a small city eight kilometers south of San Diego on the Mexico border, made the decision, infuriating some 200 protesting “Minuteman” border protection volunteers, who called for the deportation of Mayor Nick Insunza.

“This is an example which sets a precedent that can be followed by other cities in the United States, even if it is a symbolic proclamation, because we know that Nick Insunza will be leaving office in November,” said Ron Morrison, a city council member.

The move came two days after the US Congress approved the construction of a 1,125-kilometer wall along the border, over which tens of thousands of mainly Latin American illegal immigrants pass each year.

The wall is opposed by advocates of an easier immigration policy but backed by many who want a crackdown on illegal immigrants, whose numbers are estimated to be more than 11 million in the country.

Among other things, the council declaration orders that National City authorities must avoid using municipal funds to collaborate with federal immigration officials who want to stop the influx of migrants from the Mexican side of the border.