
Article : Décembre 2010, dernière chance de BHO ?

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Obama has become the personification of Bush ... Next, a monster as president

Francis Lambert


Dès le 5 Septembre 2009 :
“corporate-controlled fascism” une possibilité.
“Since I never assumed he would be a progressive once elected, any bitterness that I feel is not rooted in his failure to become the new FDR.  ( Franklin Roosevelt)

However, I am irate that, in domain after domain, President Obama has become the personification of the very Bush administration policies that Candidate Obama so roundly criticized. 

And I feel deep hostility toward him about the betrayal of legions of voters—especially the young—who believed his message of hope and thought they were getting a president on their side, not Wall Street’s. (...)

Looking out over the horizon, I see five key factors most likely to effect the health and longevity of the Obama administration, and not one of them looks positive. (...)

Put it all together and it’s pretty hard to see how Obama gets a second term.  Which can mean only one thing:  We’re looking at a Romney or a Palin or some sort of similar monster as the next president (...)
since the party’s voting base who will make that choice in the Republican primaries is the same crowd you’ve seen featured all this summer at town hall meetings. (...)

Since Obama is ridiculously—but nevertheless widely—perceived as a liberal, the reaction is all the more likely to involve a sharp turn to the right in response. (...)

If history is any guide, a nifty (not so) little war could only be right around the corner, for the helpful purpose of jump-starting the economy, crushing the domestic opposition, and distracting the public from that pesky nuisance once affectionately referred to as ‘reality’. (...)

Rahm Emanuel once famously averred that “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.  And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” 

I don’t really believe that corporate-controlled fascism is what he had in mind when he said that.
But, who knows?  Maybe that’s exactly what he was thinking. 
Or—perhaps most likely of all—maybe nobody at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is doing much thinking whatsoever these days.   

After Obama by David Michael Green, Sept.5, 2009 (déja !)