
Article : Du JSF en balsa ou en carton-pâte

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Air Force To Reevaluate Joint Strike Fighter IOC Date

ORLANDO, FL—The Air Force is reevaluating the initial operational capability date for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, according to the general overseeing Air Combat Command.

The potential slip in IOC is the result of a Pentagon decision to extend F-35 system development and demonstration, Gen. William Fraser told reporters during a briefing this afternoon at an Air Force Association-sponsored conference here.
Schwartz: F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Nunn-McCurdy Breach ‘A Possibility’

ORLANDO, FL—The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program, the most expensive weapon system acquisition program in Pentagon history, will likely breach congressional spending limits based on new funding estimates, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz acknowledged today.

“The department‚s working though the [Nunn-McCurdy] process now and I would say it‚s a possibility,” he told reporters during a briefing this afternoon at an Air Force Association-sponsored conference here. “It may be even likely, but I don‚t want to be again presumptive on that, but I just want to be straight with you.”