
Article : Du Troisième Reich au JSF

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stock-options à un an et maintenance à long terme.




—-Alcoa and the United Auto Workers team up to restore press and jobs
By Other Voices November 09, 2009, 3:59AM

Alcoa Inc.‘s announcement that the company will rebuild and refurbish its 50,000-ton hydraulic press in Cleveland is welcome medicine for our ailing economy. The superstructure, originally constructed in 1955, has been idle since September 2008. Critical cracks were discovered at the press’ foundation stools, which necessitates a complete disassembly. The task is expected to be completed in 24 months. When finished, the press will be a benchmark for other heavy forging equipment.


Alcoa should have better prepared for eventual need for capital improvements
By Kevin OBrien February 16, 2009, 4:56AM

—-My husband and I own a home that requires regular maintenance. Beyond the day-to-day maintenance are the potential larger expenses of a roof replacement or furnace. These costs are our responsibility, for which we save.

I am amazed at how quickly the merits of capitalism are pushed aside when it comes time for a business to make capital investments. Alcoa, where are your accruals for “The 50” hydraulic press? Surely you must have known there is a life expectancy for this equipment? You have made enormous profits throughout the years, and although we are in an entrenched recession, this fact could have been tracked and plans made to survive a downturn—not unlike the need for an eight-month emergency fund every homeowner should have if unemployment hits home.

By all means, strike a deal with the union that provides specifics, including a timeline for a return of concessionary wages. But please, formulate a business plan that will allow you to address your business needs as they arise and to avoid layoffs, because as I’ve often said, the strength of any business is the people it employs and ultimately serves.

On ne peut pas en meme temps distribuer les benefices, viser des profits et des stock-options à un an et financer la maintenance à long terme.

C’est ce qui est en train d’arriver à EDF entr’autres.