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Soros News Network : Le silence irrite le diable. Proverbe Bulgare



Carl Bildt membre de l' ECFR, de la Rand Corporation,  homme totalement système n'aime pas Trump

Carl Bildt @carlbildt  14h ago
Trump de facto supports Russia effort to undermine Dutch/Malaysia/Australia MH17 conclusion. He’s a threat to truth 
et aime Kristalina Georgieva la nouvelle candidate pour remplacer Ban Ki Moon, commissaire européenne, membre de l' ECFR bien sur, ancienne vice présidente de la banque mondiale.

Carl Bildt @carlbildt  Sep 28
UN race for #NextSG just changed rather dramatically with @KGeorgieva entering the race. Everything possible.

On apprend qu'il n'est pas le seul puisque José Manuel Barroso lui avait apporté son soutien au dernier meeting Bilderberg

Vice-President Kristalina Georgieva attended a meeting of the secretive Bilderberg group in Dresden yesterday (9 June), where, according to information obtained by, former Commission President José Manuel Barroso promoted her as the next UN Secretary-General.

George Soros himself est intervenu pour qu'elle le soit, et ce n'est pas la presse Anti-Système qui nous le dit

Supporters of Georgieva in Sofia, who are close to the George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, are putting pressure on Borissov to withdraw Bokova’s candidacy. But Borissov is reported to have no intention of making such a move.

Borissov has been under pressure from the European’s People Party (EPP), and George Soros Open Society Foundation, to “change horses” and nominate Georgieva.

Bokova’s disappointing ranking signals that the Bulgarian centre-right Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, who has been under pressure from the European’s People Party (EPP) and the Open Society Foundation of George Soros to “change horses” and nominate Georgieva, may decide to do so.

Les Russes ne sont pas d'accord, qui s'en étonnera ?