
Article : Eh bien nous voilà enfin parvenus à notre idée ultimement brillante : et si on mettait les talibans dans le gouvernement (afghan) ?

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'Taliban Should Be in Afghan Gov't' ; James Boyce : Bill Frist Is An Idiot ; Surrender !

Lambrechts Francis


U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said Monday that the Afghan war against Taliban guerrillas can never be won militarily and urged support for efforts to bring “people who call themselves Taliban” and their allies into the government. The Tennessee Republican said he learned from briefings that Taliban fighters were too numerous and had too much popular support to be defeated on the battlefield. ... ( )

James Boyce : Bill Frist Is An Idiot ( )
... This is outrageous because it was the Taliban not Saddam Hussein who supported and gave Osama Bin Laden the safety and security he needed to launch the 9/11 attacks and it is the Taliban we need to defeat. Could it be we can’t win and as Newsweek reported in its cover story in every country but right here last week that we are “losing Afghanistan” because we don’t have the resources we need to win ?  Redeploy the troops out of Iraq and finish the war against the Taliban. Go through every cave in the country, find Osama Bin Laden and kill him. End of story. : Frist urges surrendering to the TALIBAN ( ) ... Democrats are accused on “cut and run” (is it really cut and run after 5 years) in their approach to Iraq, but when it comes to the Taliban, an organization proven to have strong links to Al Qaeda, their recommendation from leadership is “integration” with the current Afghan government. How is that consistent with any policy? Republican leadership clearly have no clue on how to proceed.

( NB : ça tire dans tous les sens ! avant de se tirer ? )




Primo, si je puis me permettre cette suggestion, citez vos sources en ce qui concerne les déclarations de frist. D’aprés Goggle on trouve maintenant “christian science monitor” qui cite associated press. Ca a l’air de faire du foin. On se demande bien pourquoi en cette époque formidable que nous vivons. Chaque jour dépasse le précédent.
Deuxio, je m’étonne que vous ne commentiez pas le symptome georgien, ça aussi c’est joli.
A part ça, continuez, l’ennemi est sonné, pour une fois ça sera un plaisir d’assister à un pilonnage en régle de l’ambulance.