Un sacré Nostrabamus que notre capitaine de corvette!
Non seulement il a traversé l’Atlantique sans toucher à la barrique ,mais arrivé en France ,toutes les gredines du pays en ont voulus à sa jambe de bois.Elles ignoraient les garces que ce n’était pas une jambe mais une option…
extrait des mémoires d’un corsaire…, aux éditions titouan du nénufar.
Francis Lambert
... who would replace the U.S. in regulating world markets,
“Two countries could assume this role: China, with its vast reserves, and Russia, which could play the role of a regulator in Eurasia.”
(NB à mon avis aussi car les Nations d"UE” vont retourner à leurs guerres et massacres séculaires, elles se divisent déjà. Notons l’inexistence de l"europe” dans toutes ces prévisions ... il n’y a que nos Nations pour parler d’europe car elles l’ont instrumentalisée comme bouc émissaire de leurs faillites :—130 milliards de budget à 27 alors que le déficit de la France seule fait 1300 milliards—Mais ces défaussements éviteront peut-être à quelque minorité une nouvelle “solution finale” quoique l’abjection, aussi, des Nations d’europe repousse toujours ses limites)
... He predicted that the U.S. will break up into six parts
- the Pacific coast, with its growing Chinese population;
- the South, with its Hispanics;
- Texas, where independence movements are on the rise;
- the Atlantic coast, with its distinct and separate mentality;
- five of the poorer central states with their large Native American populations; and
- the northern states, where the influence from Canada is strong.
- He even suggested that “we could claim Alaska - it was only granted on lease, after all.”
... On the fate of the U.S. dollar,
“In 2006 a secret agreement was reached between Canada, Mexico and the U.S. on a common Amero currency as a new monetary unit. This could signal preparations to replace the dollar. The one-hundred dollar bills that have flooded the world could be simply frozen.
... how Russia should react to his vision of the future,
“Develop the ruble as a regional currency. Create a fully functioning oil exchange, trading in rubles… We must break the strings tying us to the financial Titanic, which in my view will soon sink.”
Et enfin les références de Celente :
Celente Predicts Revolution, Food Riots, Tax Rebellions, By 2012 (by Paul Joseph Watson)
Gerald Celente, the CEO of Trends Research Institute, is renowned for his accuracy in predicting future world and economic events, which will send a chill down your spine considering what he told Fox News this week.
Celente says that by 2012 America will become an undeveloped nation, that there will be a revolution marked by food riots, squatter rebellions, tax revolts and job marhes, and that holidays will be more about obtaining food, not gifts.
Francis Lambert
(NB L’éclatement concerne d’abord et toujours l"Union européenne”. A mon sens l’article résumé ci-dessous souligne aussi le pari Gaullien de l"Alliance Franco-Allemande” et à quel point l"Union Européenne” est une volonté politique abandonnée derrière sa facade marchande.
Depuis le catastrophique Traité de Paris de 1763 la France, avec son double langage aristocratique, est extatique devant le leadership Anglo-saxon au point de naturaliser le franglish et de recopier ingénument leur master business d’administration pyrotechnique.
Ce profond clivage de culture économique explique pourquoi l’UE reste à l’état de “croupion d’Alliance” avec un budget inférieur à 130 milliards d’euros à 27 Nations alors que les déficits français seuls explosent les 1300 milliards en 2008, leurs seuls intérêts annuels atteignant la moitié budgetaire du croupion européen ! L’incompréhension et l’ignorance définissent toujours cette “Alliance Franco-Allemande”. Aussi il y a trois fois plus de français dans la petite Belgique que dans la plus grande puissance économique européenne ainsi alliée ...)
The defining feature of Germanys relations with its western allies ... is that nobody understands anyone any more.
... US, French and British officials puzzle over Germanys refusal to tackle the recession head-on.
German leaders, meanwhile, cannot see why their taxpayers money should go into encouraging precisely the kind of behaviour - reckless lending, careless borrowing and overconsumption - that precipitated the financial crisis.
What is happening is a classic clash of cultures ...
This is not just a silly cliché about thrifty Germans. Consumer credits, for example, only started to become widely available five years ago. Banks have never offered 100 per cent financing on mortgages other than in exceptional circumstances. Since Germany never had a property bubble, remortgaging is unknown. Most restaurants, supermarkets and the two main consumer electronics chains do not take credit cards. Few people even own one and online purchases are typically done via bank transfers.
... German consumers and companies are far less leveraged than their British or US counterparts ...
With this in mind, it becomes easier to understand Chancellor Angela Merkels warning to the US this week that its efforts to keep money cheap and people borrowing could plant the seeds of a similar crisis in five years time.
... To French, British and American pyrotechnics, she opposed a policy of measure, moderation and practical common sense.
Like Ms Merkel, Wilhelm Röpke (an economist, wartime anti-Nazi activist and inventor of “economic humanism”) was a free-marketeer who nonetheless ascribed a central role to governments and central banks, guided by moral values, in protecting the weak, policing competition and preventing excessive accumulations of power. His thinking provided the intellectual cornerstone to the creation of Germanys social market economy after the war, with its combination of entrepreneurship and social responsibility. With morals, values, moderation and solid common sense looming so large in Ms Merkels economic thinking, it is no surprise she would see overindulgence and irresponsibility in the way the UK and, above all, the US are treating their own recessions. If you think of borrowing as akin to smoking - a minor sin that carries heavy risks - then the notion that one should tackle a slowing economy by encouraging over-indebted people who stand a good chance of losing their jobs to draw new credits and splash out comes across as sheer madness.
Francis Lambert
Poland has no intention of trying to spend its way out of the looming economic slowdown, Donald Tusk, the prime minister has said. The comments align his country with Germany rather than the US and the UK as international divisions grow over how to handle the recession.
Financial Times, Poland rejects borrow and spend , 30/11/2008
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