
Article : “Fatigue ukrainienne” et crépuscule des “années neocons

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Tories to pull British forces out of Germany



British forces will pull out of Germany for good, nearly 70 years after the Allied victory in World War Two,  as part of a Tory defence “revolution” being drawn up by Dr Liam Fox. the shadow defence secretary

By Benedict Brogan   published: 9:55PM GMT 20 Nov 2009

Fox said it was no longer possible to expect a fifth of the Army to be permanently tied up in continental Europe when such huge demands were being placed on the military by tighter budgets and the war in Afghanistan.

As part of a strategic defence review if the Tories win power, Dr Fox is overseeing preparations for negotiations within Nato to reassign burdens among members.

He wants new member states from eastern and central Europe, particularly Poland, to take over Britain’s commitments in Germany and free British troops to be deployed elsewhere.

A final decision will depend on negotiations with Nato allies, in particular France,

He added: “If other countries are willing to take up roles in continental defence that leaves Britain and France able to take on expeditionary roles.

“Finding a more creative diplomatic solution in Nato will be a priority for an incoming Conservative government.

Dr Fox revealed he is also preparing a Green Paper on “sovereign capability” to determine what defence equipment has to be made in Britain or whether it can be bought from other countries.

He is ready for a clash with the trade unions over the possible loss of jobs if he chooses not to protect certain industries for political reasons.

Une démarche potentiellement habile dans le désengagement: Chers européens, (particularly Poland) défendez vous vous même. Et si les soldats UK doivent rester en Europe, alors ils ne peuvent pas aller en AFPAK,  is’nt.
Tout ceci devrait mettre une bonne ambiance à l’OTAN.