
Article : Israël et le JSF: toujours de plus en plus prudent

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F35 au Japon

Jean-Bérenger de Nattes


Je voudrais signaler ce court article a propos du F35 paru dans le Japan Time du 4 Octobre dernier:

U.S. asks Tokyo to pay ¥1 billion for F-35 details
Kyodo News

The United States has asked Tokyo to pay around ¥1 billion for information on the capabilities of the stealthy F-35, a leading candidate to replace Japan’s aging fighter-jet fleet, sources said Saturday.

It is rare for a country to be charged such a large sum for information on potential imports of defense equipment.

The U.S. also told Japan that Washington will not provide information on the F-35’s radar-evading capabilities until Tokyo makes a decision to purchase it, the sources said.

Defense Minister Toshimi Kitazawa and U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates will likely discuss the deal when they meet in Japan on Oct. 20.

Japan had initially hoped to procure the F-22 stealth fighter, but Washinton banned its export and announced it was ending production.

“It is rare for a country…” est une phrase forte pour qui est familier avec les Japonais, laissant transparaitre un mecontentement certain, peut-etre meme de la colere, qui sait?
Avec la nouvelle equipe au pouvoir nous verrons s’il seront toujours aussi interesses par l’avion du siecle…