
Article : JSF Fatigue” : L’avion embarqué qui ne débarquait pas

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C'est la faute aux lois de la physique !

Richard RUTILY


Aux dernières nouvelles le JSF ne pourra jamais satisfaire ses spécifications d’accélération dans le domaine transsonique.
Ils ont oubliés de lui mettre une taille de guêpe? ou cela était incompatible avec la furtivité?

Navy’s New Minehunter Can’t See or Stop Mines

Francis Lambert


It’s bad enough that the Navy’s newest ship has had wicked problems with corrosion, missed out on the latest naval wartime missions and is generally something of a Frankenstein’s monster. Now the Pentagon’s top weapons tester has found problems with its abilities to find and withstand mines — which is a big problem for a ship that’s supposed to be the Navy’s minehunter of the future.

Où on reparle du Rafale

Richard RUTILY


Ministry of Defence concerns over the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter have led to military chiefs looking at other fast jets for the UK’s aircraft carrier, it has been reported.

According to The Times, Admiral Sir Trevor Soar, the current commander-in-chief fleet, said concerns were growing about rising costs and delays in the JSF programme, something now worsened by order cuts from the US.

Soar, who was addressing defence companies at the ADS Maritime Interest Group, reportedly said the UK might not receive the $100m per piece F-35 jets until a decade after the delivery of the carrier, currently set for 2019.

He was said to be considering the French Dassault Rafale and the US F-18 Super Hornet to give Britain an “interim aircraft capability”.

Soar indicated that the JSF would be a major talking point at the next strategic defence review in 2015.