
Article : La fureur amère et désespérée de Gore Vidal

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Une autre interview de Gore Vidale

Les Raisins De la folie


Je vous signale une autre interview de Gore Vidale à The Independent qui me semble plus complète et plus intéressante du point de vue de la critique à l’encontre des USA d’aujourd’hui.

Il est assez remarquable qu’il identifie le système US comme une “madhouse”, une vision en phase avec celle de DDF…

“Gore Vidal’s United States of fury”


Yet now, he says, it is clear the American experiment has been “a failure”. It was all for nothing. Soon the country will be ranked “somewhere between Brazil and Argentina, where it belongs.”

The Empire will collapse militarily in Afghanistan; the nation will collapse internally when Obama is broken “by the madhouse” and the Chinese call in the country’s debts.

A propos d’Obama: “He’s not up to it. He’s overwhelmed. And who wouldn’t be? The United States is a madhouse. The country should be put away – and we’re being told to go away.

When he compares Obama to his old friend Jack Kennedy, he shakes his head. “He’s twice the intellectual that Jack was, but Jack knew the great world. Remember he spent a long time in the navy, losing ships. This kid [Obama] has never heard a gun fired in anger. He’s absolutely bowled over by generals, who tell him lies and he believes them. He hasn’t done anything. If you were faced with great problems in chemistry – to find the perfect gas, to gas a population – you won’t know for a long time whether it works. You have to go by what people tell you. He’s like that. He’s not ready for prime time and he’s getting a lot of prime time on his plate at once.”

But there is, he says with sudden perkiness, some “good news. Afghanistan will be terminal for the American empire, yes. Which is a happy way of looking at it. We’ll be out of the empire game, rapidly. But it’s too late for the country and the constitution.”

Gore Vidal shares the populist belief that the people are being shafted by the rich – but he thinks the population is too cretinous and drugged by television and fast food to figure it out. “It is always to be hoped that the people will mysteriously be educated, somehow. Well, that’s the link. But the people don’t know anything. As soon as we became an empire, we stopped teaching geography in the schools, so nobody would know where anything is. It’s not the people’s fault – they have been perverted them into imperial ways of thinking so that they would be docile workers and loyal consumers. That was the dream and it has come true.”