
Article : Le F-22 et ses balades inattendues, face à la guerre aérienne

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Brésil pas sûr du transfert de technologie de Boeing

Francis Lambert


AFP le 05/03/2010 à 21:44

Le ministre brésilien de la Défense, Nelson Jobim, a déclaré vendredi à Rio avoir des doutes sur le transfert de technologie de l’avionneur américain Boeing, en lice avec le français Dassault et le suédois Saab pour fournir 36 avions de combat multi-rôles au géant sud-américain, un contrat de plusieurs milliards de dollars.

NATO Losses Revisited



Israel unveils new drone fleet that can reach Iran



Article du 21/02/2010 By TIA GOLDENBERG, Associated Press Writer Tia Goldenberg, Associated Press Writer – Sun Feb 21, 3:54 pm ET

In past conflicts, various types and sizes of unmanned planes have been used in missions like long-range surveillance and attacking enemy targets with guided missiles in conflicts like Iraq and Afghanistan, where anti-aircraft systems are rudimentary.

They have proven much less successful in conflicts where the opponents possessed better anti-aircraft weapons.

During NATO’s aerial onslaught against Serbia in 1999, for example, Serbian quickly forces shot down 42 U.S. drones, drastically reducing the effectiveness of the bombing campaign.

“We are aware of the dangers such an aircraft can meet in the battlefield, and we do whatever we can to protect it,” said air force Lt. Col. Eyal.

Eyal, whose last name was not disclosed in line with military guidelines, would not comment on how the plane could protect itself from anti-aircraft systems.